
Body-shaming very thin actresses doesn’t do anyone any good, but neither does denying the obvious when someone has an eating disorder. It’s not doing anyone any favors to pretend that she’s healthy. She needs to find help, and find peace. EDs are hell.

She IS naturally thin but her eating disorder isn’t exactly a secret, either. (not that “eat a cheeseburger” ever helped anyone.)

While “eat a cheeseburger” may be obnoxious, let’s also stop pretending anyone is naturally emaciated. No doubt she is naturally thin, but this is well beyond that (although perhaps there are medical reasons for it).

I’m not body shaming her. I find it sad that she continues to lose weight even though she’s obviously unhealthy. I find it sad that we glamorize disordered eating in this country.

“I have friends who will message a guy for months and get so excited.”

IKR? That’s like *guaranteeing* failure. The same way that the book never matches the movie. (An imaginary soap opera of mostly one’s own creation.)

I had a guy tell me how the worst thing that can happen when going on a date from the internet is the woman is fat. That women worry about a guy being a killer but guys worry about his date being fat. He didn’t make this comparison to say how much worse and scary it is for a woman out there but to literally equate

You know that a huge part of feminism is advocating for children’s rights and sexual assault victims of all kinds, right? We’ve done way more for boys *and men* who’ve been sexually assaulted than any MRA message board, promise.


Gibbs was fired only after a male student saw him photographing a nude female student.

Gibbs was fired only after a male student saw him photographing a nude female student.

You’re definitely not an asshole — I don’t even think schadenfreude is the necessary word for it. When the daughter of an anti-birth control, anti-abortion loon gets knocked up at 17 and then dedicates her life to abstinence only sex education (impeding the reproductive health of other girls and women), publicly

If 1000 Arabs conspired and raped one woman, pick pocketed 80, sexually assaulted 35, then yeah I'd overcome my white guilt and say Arabs can't organize worth shit but I won't have to because that obviously never happened.

This sounds like Daily Mail fap bait so I remain skeptical until further reporting.

I’m a German woman and I have had issues with all different kinds of men (including Americans), not just Muslims. It’s neither religion nor ethnicity. The only thing they had in common was being male.

This isn’t an immigration issue; this is a male issue. See also: rape culture; patriarchy; misogyny; domestic violence; crime statistics; sexual assault statistics; gun violence statistics...

Yes, sounds about right but I think there’s a bit more to it. I think not wanting to fail at being a symbol of black marriage played a major part. Black people weren’t even allowed to marry until the late 1800s. Camille’s parents lived in a period where they would have been around former slaves but were both college

Fundamental attribution error. When *they* do something bad, it's because they're a bad person. When *I* do something bad, it was a silly mistake/I had a good reason/anything that lets me keep thinking of myself as a good person.

Internalized misogyny seasoned with second-hand respectability politics, bitter cynicism about victims’ motives, a self-delusional vision of her husband, and millions in stand-by-your-man money can warp a person’s logic.

Im not saying she isnt wrong in her complicity buy my guess is she thinks he’s an exceptional man with one serious problem and maybe didn’t initially grasp the severity of his problem. On top of his career success and wealth he contributed a lot of service work in the black community (which is why he had all those

She’s going to perjure herself and then act like a martyr, and no one will care.