
They both seem to reside in a self-appointed cone of oblivious.

If I could star you a million times, I would. I have had to make it a “rule” when dating a guy: be divorced around a year. I don't know what it is with guys that once married they are DYING for a second marriage. Then what happens is one of two things: the glow wears off and regret sinks in. If they married a younger


No offense, but I think you guys are petrified of everything.

With some people, it isn’t because they’re assholes. It’s because their picker is broken, and they keep picking the same assholes.

It’s cute to watch morons fulfill stereotypes completely of their own volition.

Great, it’s called typing on a phone. And I get it: you don’t have much in your life, or a sense of purpose or fulfillment, so you and the rest of the gun lunatics in this country tell yourself a little story about how you are keeping tyranny at bay, and protecting liberty, and how you will kill terrorists or other

Pfff, I’m in the Army, too. That shit doesn’t impress me.

Lol fuck you you worthless sack of shit. You spent six years in the army because your a mouthbreathing chump. Hope you at least got a college education or some useful skills out of it. There’s nothing ‘selfless’ about your bullshit ‘service’, and you didn’t keep anyone safe or protect anyones liberties. Get over

I didn’t say you’ve never been tested for STI’s. I said you’ve never been tested for HSV. Can you even read?

If I needed proof that you’re trolling, this was it. Thanks.

Your initial post was rude and disrespectful. Rather than simply correct yourself and apologize for your shitty choice of words - choices that numerous people have called you out on - you keep doubling down like a complete fucking douche.

Right, you’re an idiot. I’m sure 99.999999% of readers will agree.

Strains of HPV can lead to cancer. There is not test for men (and it goes dormant and is often undetectable in women). Men can have it and spread it around and they just don’t know their status. Including, might I add, you. You could be one of those men. Yet you’d dismiss a woman who tests positive for a

You’re not lucky; you’re deluded. You could have at least one of the strains and be asymptomatic. If that’s the case, you’re not “lucky,” you’re just ignorant about your status and likely spreading it around. And people with cold sores on the mouth think they don’t have the “bad” kind of herpes and spread that around.

Your initial choice of words - your thoughtlessness and utter lack of empathy - are what’s being critiqued, not your personal choice.

“I would be so quick to run out that door if my SO told me before we started to be intimate that she had or has a STD.”

What part of that phrasing was polite or respectful of your partner, who’s just taken the risk of disclosing their health status to you? No part of it at all. Think about that.

You’ve come back with a

I never thought I would see the day where I would think Porn is degrading to women.

is this sort of degeneracy not the inevitable outcome of what third-wave feminism espouses? When will people realise that all this sex-positive porn stuff is just more lies for the masses and that ploughing a field is way better than plowing a butt?

Yeah, you’re shaming. You might be asking questions, but it reads like shaming.