
Yeah, it’s pretty much slut shaming. A lot of people have herpes and don’t know it, even within the bounds of loving, long term monogamous relationships. And if you’re a sexually active female, chances are you’ve had at least one strain of HPV. Even with gardasil.

First of all nobody dies from genital herpes. It is totally harmless except for being uncomfortable. A huge percentage of the population has herpes (like 25%) and the majority of them don’t have symptoms. A huge number of those have NEVER had symptoms. Most tests on someone without visible lesions will be inconclusive

Wow are you really this awful or are you tomatoface?

If you have ever had sex with anyone, you’ve been exposed to herpes. This is so, so ignorant. Poor life choices? Yeah, maybe staying with her boyfriend who was as big a douchebag as you are about this was a poor life choice but sounds like she got through it! Getting a super common disease that in most cases is

While you may not choose to “call it slut shaming or sex shaming,” that’s EXACTLY what you’re doing. But thanks for calling me (and as pointed out above, approximately 80% of sexually active humans) a “poor partner choice.” I’m sure you have a fabulous view from you ivory tower...

But over 90% of the population HAS AN STD, which is what I was referring to. HPV is an incurable STD- maybe you’ve heard of it? It stands for Human Papilloma Virus (which is obviously different than HSV- Herpes Simplex Virus). The person I responded to said they would never sleep with anyone who had ever had an STD.

Would you call getting diabetes or cancer a poor life choice? What about a cold? God, people are so dumb.

I’ve read that in the past, no one made a big deal over herpes- it wasn’t until the pharmaceutical companies realized there was money to be made off it that the gasping began. And to be fair, I do love my Valtrex, but I also consider herpes to be no tragedy whatsoever.

So, you know literally everyone has been exposed to herpes right? 80% of the population has cold sores, which is Herpes SV-1. That can be transmitted to genitals or there’s a separate virus HSV-2 which is more commonly genital, and 20% of the U.S. has that. You can’t just test for herpes because literally everyone has

You should have left them in the grays.

Comments like yours are the worst part of having herpes, not the risks or complications.

Are you even serious right now? Something like 60% of people have this. In Canada they don’t even include it in tests. You can only be tested if you have an outbreak. There are tons of people who never get an outbreak and therefore never know they have it. There’s no point in spending the money on the tests because

Poor partner or life choices? Many people can have and transmit it without ever showing symptoms or in fact even being aware of its presence. Many others have it and conceal it from their partners from fear or shame (although this is not OK). But what’s also not OK is calling out someone’s “choices” for contracting

Lots of people do not present (get sores). If you do a minimal google search and educate yourself, you’d realize that a) the majority of people who have it don’t know it and b) about 85%+ of the population of the world has one form or the other, usually given to them while still a child (sharing glasses, getting

Yep. It’s not the condition that’s bad, it’s the stigma.

Many people value the human over the risk. It’s not particularly “brave”, it’s just a decision. It’s ten thousand times braver to disclose.

You can’t fathom? Try google. Generally just the very occasional discomfort.

This is not a case of double jeopardy. He’s not being retried for the same crime. He had a trial. The trial judge decided he was guilty of the lesser offense. The prosecution appealed that decision to the appeals court. The appeals court agreed that the trial judge was wrong on the law and set aside the lower court’s