
It’s kind of a vicious cycle. I drink on my own because it’s cheaper and also safer. But sometimes I decline invitations from friends because I’m so hung over from drinking on my own and don’t want to drink again, or feel too crappy to go out at all. (One thing I rarely do is get very drunk two days in a row). But

They have three kids and were married for like a decade. Are you confusing Jennifer Garner with the nanny?

I’m right there with you. It’s hard. I try to do things like give myself a weekly limit (it’s still very high) or drink only with other people or only wine. But it’s really hard. Hang in there.

Fuck off, man.

She can’t. But she’s admitted it, at least. Better then that friend we all have who hasn’t been alone since she was a teenager and thinks it’s because she’s incredibly desireable as opposed to just needy.

I’ve heard it’s nearly half. Nearly all if you count the oral kind.

Sounds like she probably will.

He doesn’t even seem real to me. He looks like a Ken Doll. But I’m sure a lot of people are into that.

It seems that she likes to cultivate an air of mystery but I suspect she’s just boring.

She strikes me as a lot like her character in Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

I don’t have “a certain connotation”. Words have actual definitions. A female person who’s a child is a “girl” and a female person who’s an adult is a “woman”. The fact that people call female persons “girls” into their fifties for ages does not make it correct or acceptable. I don’t know if you do online dating but

This isn’t a dating site, man. Women who respond to your comments aren’t interested in you.

I’m not hung up on superficial things either. I prefer short men, I prefer bald men, I’ve dated men who were unemployed and essentially homeless so I certainly don’t care about financial status. I also am considered physically appealing and as that troll pointed out I indeed can go out on a date and/or get laid any

You’re quoting comments I made days ago? Lord are you creepy.

The depressing thing about all of this is that whenever the fuck they manage to get their act together, not just sexually but in terms of being good partners generally, they go looking for twenty five to thirty five year olds. Yes, even at 60 plus. Meanwhile we need to be perfect when we’re barely out of our teens in

This entire comment section is full of women saying that they communicate and teach and help but their partners just don’t listen.

Give it a rest. The fact that Trump’s daughter and grandchildren are Jewish does not mean he doesn’t hate Jews. I’m tired of explaining this to people. Nazis had Jewish loved ones too.

I love sucking dick. Love it. I’ve probably sucked close to a hundred (eighty at last count a few years ago) and have only had intercourse with a quarter of those guys. I just really enjoy it.

Have fun, be yourself and make sure that you communicate what you’re hoping to get out of it.

I’m so anti-man right now I’d say that I think raising an awesome woman will be much easier than raising a decent man. Either way, I’m sure you’ll be awesome. Mazel Tov!