
No it doesn’t. It can describe a lot of things: a monogamous couple who thinks cheating is inevitable and it’ll be something they work through together, a monogamous couple who thinks “cheating” is not cheating in very specific scenarios, a person who is generally monogamous but maybe not always, and so on.

I’ve never had a long term monogamous relationship but I do find the idea of wanting “variety” in romantic partners a bit odd. When I’m dating more than one person at a time (which isn’t usually the case...I tend to have short term monogamous relationships), it’s more because I happen to have met those people around

There isn’t a right person for everybody. But hearing that asinine message all the time will make someone keep marrying because she thinks she’s finally found Him.

If you’re out of high school, ignore the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day.

Same, except I work from home. I haven’t left the house since Tuesday.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I ever saw the show, but no, he did not come across that way at all.

We mostly just feel sorry for you.

People are not all the same. Imagine that!

I wouldn’t know.

Maybe ten? The point is Who the fuck cares?!

Nothing. But they seem to talk about it a lot. I’ve had sex like five times in the past five years but I’m not blabbing about it like it’s interesting.

You’re assuming he’s as smart as you are. He’s not.

How much longer till the nuclear holocaust? I can’t take much more of this.

Well luckily you’re not going to be a superpower for much longer!

I’m starting to understand the meaning behind your avatar.

Dude, I understand the metaphor. I too was an ugly teenager who became a hot adult. I hear you.

I’m starting to feel like I’m being trolled.

Men and women are not nearly as different as you think they are.

Is constant peeing related?

I was an ugly duckling who got hot but I don’t feel robbed of anything. I didn’t go on a date or kiss a man until I was in my twenties. Yeah it sucked at the time but I also got to have a childhood. I focused on school and sports. And when I had sexual relationships, my brain was actually as developed as my body.