
I’d estimate about 85%, at least subconsciously, if you actually want an answer.

Exactly. Has it ever happened with a mother and son? Or even with a father and daughter where the daughter was given up for adoption by a couple of teenagers who didn’t feel able to raise a child? It seems like it’s always a father/daughter where the father walked out or was denied access and the daughter ended up

Yeah, it was years ago but I’m still pissed about it. At least I called him and yelled at him. I was pretty meek back then and never stood up for myself, but in that case I did. Because I mean Are you fucking kidding, man?!

Yes, I just saw that. This guy is clearly garbage. I don’t think it’s always a sign of dysfunction though. My boyfriend has offered beer to his seventeen year old and it’s never seemed inappropriate or odd. Obviously in this case it was.


Yeah. Sadly, a lot of men think this way. You’ve had sex with him before; therefore, you’ll have sex with him again. You’ve had sex with anyone before; therefore, you’ll have with him. Basically, not a virgin = consented to sex with any man, whenever any man wants it.

Exactly. It’s gross, sure, but why is it relevant? She was having sex with someone when they saw her in the park; therefore she’s consented to sex with every other man?! I mean, I know that plenty of men feel this way: once a woman has had sex with a man it means that she’s just a hole for every other man to stick his

My father has never had an alcoholic beverage (or raised his voice, or not worn a tie on a weekday, or not been home for dinner) in his life and even he doesn’t think this is odd. What’s so dysfunctional about having a beer in the presence of an eighteen year old? Is it dysfunctional if a family goes out for dinner at

I don’t like the expression and agree that it’s body shaming. I disagree, however, that GR is naturally skeletal. She’s anorexic. It’s common knowledge. I don’t think she deserves shame or criticism; she’s ill and needs help.

This sounds a bit like my last relationship. I have terrible self esteem, despite “having everything going for me”, or so people say. It often leads me to make poor choices. I started a relationship with my ex because he wanted to be in a relationship with me. I didn’t like HIM; I liked that he liked me.

I don’t get paid when I’m not working, and that includes going to the bathroom.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that the smartest, most accomplished, and most beautiful women get the best men. Often those women have the shittiest self esteem and wind up with awful, abusive men and then the cycle of poor self worth/choosing bad partners never ends.

True. I notice a lot of men staring at me, but the only ones who ever talk to me are so unbelievably not on my dating radar (like homeless men, or the elderly, or sometimes teenagers) that they probably feel like Hey, why not? I find that the worse I look, like if I run to the grocery store with visible pimples and

I hated it, personally. I thought it was lame and patronizing.

Yeah, you just have to meet. Do it on the way to somewhere else. Make it a quick drink on the way home from work, even. You can always have dinner if you hit it off, or set up a second date. People aren’t letting go of this idea that a date is a big, special thing, even though online dating has changed everything else

Personally I use online dating to find men to that I can determine if I might like to get to know them. The main trap that I’ve seen people fall into is messaging people online for a long time. You can’t really get to know someone that way, nor can you tell you if you’re going to be attracted to them (photos

I'm pretty sure there hasn't been any stigma attached to dating sites in at least fifteen years. If anything, Tinder is the one people make fun of.

The way that he asked you out after you had tea actually doesn’t sound like anything I’ve encountered in online dating...or, ever, for that matter. It seems very traditional and formal.

I’m probably older than you are and I agree that online dating is strange and artificial. All I can say is that you get used to it and find the positives in it.

I wouldn’t expect anyone to just ask you out, no matter how beautiful you are. If you want to go on a date, ask someone in person who you find attractive or go online.