
I’d never had sex without a condom when I caught it. Why exactly am I supposed to be pissed at myself?

True story. I was on a sort of date a few years ago. We were swapping bad date stories so I told him about the guy who threatened to commit suicide if I didn’t go out with him again, the one who tried to steal a bottle of tequila from the bar, and the one who threw a fit when they didn’t have the beer he wanted. So

My ex’s roommate kicked him out because I have herpes. For clarity: this heterosexual man kicked out his heterosexual male roommate because the roommate (with whom he was not sexually active and never would be) was in a sexual relationship with a woman who once got a herpes outbreak.

You do not need to take a pill daily for the rest of your life. I take ten pills when I get an outbreak, which happens once every couple of years.

My psoriasis is a way bigger problem than my herpes. I usually forget I have it, actually, until I'm dating someone new or there's a Gawker story about STDs and people make all kinds of hysterical, asinine comments about it.

If you get cold cores, you do have it.

You have it totally backwards. What actually happens is that when Muslims commit acts of violence, all we ever hear is that Islam is evil, a cancer, “religion of peace, har har!!” When Christians do, they're misunderstood or mentally ill.

Do you think it's hilarious when it's Muslims?

Probably because it's true.

I’m a Gen Xer and mine still help me out. They’re Boomers. My Dad got a job at 24, after a four year degree, and made enough money working about a forty five hour week to support a family of four very comfortably. They haven’t had debt in forty years. Meanwhile, the seven years of university that they generously paid

It’s more his overall look. The boyish thing. I have certainly found men with hair and blue eyes attractive...though, yeah, my type is definitely bald/balding and brown-eyed.

110 pounds? Wow!! That is very, very light, even for 5’6”.

I don’t know who that is. Does he look like Ben Kingsley? He's a good example of what I like.

Dude. We all have our type. Luckily for you, a lot of people dig blue eyes and hair. Enjoy the fact that you have characteristics that many (perhaps even most) prefer, and don’t freak out when one person you don’t know likes something different.

Do whatever you want.

Exactly. It sounds awful, but what about the women who feel the same way and are working on their feet all day, can’t afford a massage, don’t have a partner who loves them, and a zillion dollars? I sympathize with her and I’ve never been pregnant but I’m sure she can’t think beyond herself for a second to empathize

That's true. Porn stars are notoriously not nice looking.

I learned about sex from reading articles about a serial rapist in the newspaper.

Precisely. And when all of these things that women are choosing —from ditching their names to getting breast implants to shaving off their body hair— line up exactly with what men want, we’ve at least got to question how free these choices are.

Lots of women like bald guys! Balding/receding can be even sexier than full bald. I find it very rugged and masculine. The best is bald or balding with heavy face scruff....basically the anti-Deen, who probably shaves once a week.