
I'm hoping for 4 seasons and then it's out —and hopefully it wouldn't lose quality. I haven't read the comic though so I don't know how long it could go for unless it deviates seriously from the comic.

really love this show — I like how I can't predict it, and how I still don't understand the characters completely. just praying it has a long life

I watched this episode with my mom and we couldn't stop laughing, and the Cedric thing was hilarious because it's motherflippin Cedric the entertainer. You could tell he was having fun playing a sad magician, especially because everyone saw where the cup thing was going

Dan's comment about not sleeping with a woman over 40 (50?) since he was 13 floored me.
This episode had some fantastic lines. I know some people feel it's not the same, but I'd say it has more to do with everyone being scattered.
I miss the whole team trying to put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it.

the only reason I didn't watch the whole season in one day is because I had class. what a fantastic show!!

Idk, I really enjoyed this episode and i felt tense throughout much of it. I would give it a B+/A-

I honestly did not see that she was a dog (though I knew something was wrong), so when it was revealed I almost fell off the couch

that made me laugh out loud, like actually.
I stopped watching TWD sometime two years ago and I've never regretted it for a moment.

I was trying to articulate something similar in a first comment made, but you hit the nail on the head. I've never watched any entire season of anything and loved every single episode, there are good and bad, mediocre and spectacular, but this reviewer refuses to think anything about this season will ever live up to

I agree completely! I prefer reviewers who "live in each episode/season" as opposed to constant comparison. There were a lot of great moments in this episode and I never looked away from the screen, that says a lot I think. And I was never bored—everything Saul is moving towards gets me more and more excited, because

yea, I thought that was a really good line actually. Saad has been within the justice system and dealing with the feds, I feel like he can spot a cop/not just some guy walking around etc

Though I don't like seeing Quinn "messed up", please just give it a rest. Characaters suffer on tv shows and as much as I'd prefer to see him back to normal, sneaking around houses, that wouldn't be realistic given what happened to him last season.
And honestly, I think this reviewer's continual preoccupation with how

ill say that Mad Max did what few action movies have done recently, in that I got lost in the world. I was enjoying every frame of that film, and the action was gorgeous. When Max is spun upwards into the air and several vehicles explode behind him in a burst of reds and oranges, I felt as though I could feel it. The

lego batman was great! and I saw JW2 last weekend. Both fulfilled my expectations and then some.

I finished watching all of Amazon's Sneaky Pete (it was very enjoyable) in 3 days. Watched Tetsuo: The iron Man for my "horror and culture of excess" class, it was disturbing AF (go watch it).
Then I watched the Japanese horror film, Audition (1999) on Wednesday, the last twenty minutes I couldn't open my eyes, but it

I LOVED this series. It wasn't perfect, but it was blast to binge. I'm a sucker for those "revealing the real con" scenes, so the fact that they did have a more complex con than previously thought was great to watch unfold, and I didn't think it was too much. It made the exact right amount of sense. This group watched

I don't know what everyone else was watching, but that was hilarious. A-
I laughed out loud quite a few times and gasped at the reveal at the end. Is anyone really surprised though? Dee is the worst.
The episode had me as soon as the "stripper soldier" revealed he'd cried because his rock bottom was sex with Dee.

I'm on episode 7 and I'm loving it. There are few recent shows that have made me laugh out loud a few times, and I'm happy to say this one has done just that — it's just the right amount of silly and ridiculous, but has remained so far very interesting. Can't get enough of Barrymore's facial reactions at wanting to

I usually get it when people don't like something that seems to be overall loved (for example, I really dislike Friends), but honestly, you're the worst is as good as it's been said to be, and I watched it before I read any of the reviews

i think we had it on VHS, and it was worth gold in the house