
You’re not helping.

STOP IT! She wasn’t done! <tears> LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! <sobs>

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

This whole thread:

As myself and numerous other vets have pointed out, our oath is “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It has nothing to do with flag, or the National Anthem, or public fucking sporting events. People who want to make this “about the troops” are

“I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.”

Fuuuuuck yes. And that hand on the shoulder is something, too. Not as good as a kneel, but it’s a start. I hope this spreads, and spreads, and spreads.

Yeah, you’d be fired for not doing your job during office hours. What aspect of Kaepernick’s job is he failing to perform by not standing for the national anthem?

“I don’t see why not.”

We had a talking parrot when I was a kid and they are so incredibly smart. He would yell “shut the door” whenever anyone left the house and learned to count in English and Spanish from watching Sesame Street with me. His language skills were incredible and he actually adapted and learned. My mom hated him and always

In case anyone missed this Twitter thread from a defense attorney who offered to represent the statue-topplers pro bono, it is an excellent read:

Only if you misunderstand what evolution is and how it’s applied. Any fucking idiot who thinks social Darwinism is a real thing clearly does not. Which medical school did you go to, again? I have to tell my friends their educational standards are obviously subpar.

The police chiefs of every major city in Texas are against this law. Why? Because it sets them against the communities they are trying to protect, making the local police the enforcers of federal laws. It may mean that immigrants, legal or otherwise, will be unwilling to report crimes because of fear that they will be

Ivanka: if you like pretty shoes but wish they were sadder and dowdier.

“vegetable”? People still say that? People still don’t get that it’s not okay to say that? This is someone’s kid. Jesus fucking christ.

Fuck Schilling. Fuck the people who root d for David Ortiz and treat Jones that way. Fuck the why can’t I say it if I hear African Americans say it.

It was a little buried, but I’m a real nosy beeyatch. Also, I meant to reply to the OP, so please don’t think I was all “my google rules, your google drools!”

Yeah if long trots after home runs were a justification for throwing at someone, Ortiz would be responsible for the death of everyone ever associated with the Red Sox

Hey, let’s ruin that kinda cool moment with the standing ovation for Adam Jones by throwing at and promptly being curbstomped by Machado again!