Judging from how clean those receivers are for the hitches, I’d say its never towed anything.
Judging from how clean those receivers are for the hitches, I’d say its never towed anything.
I generally prepay, but mostly because I use almost an entire tank of gas while I’m traveling for work, sometimes more than one. I always try to return it as close to empty as is reasonable so I get my money’s worth out of it.
Hopefully someone nice will offer you a heated garage to swap those parts in!
Thank you for keeping up the amazing political content! I gotta go somewhere to get my fix.
Am I the only one who finds the center grill on those things to look oddly like a vagina?
also “AWD makes my SUV invincible!”
Its really this community that kept me coming back for more. I’d read an article and think “Oh shit, the comments are going to be AMAZING”
Brilliant! COTD!
way to keep it classy there bud
What makes me the most sad is that with the death of Splinter, this is where I have to come for political snark. I’m not a sports fan by any means, but please, keep up the snarky part, it heartens me greatly.
Lets not forget Trump’s exact words on Obama when bin Laden was killed:
Wow, slutshaming, ‘libtard’ing, making a claim that Trump did something which was definitely literally not done by him. This post really checks all the boxes. You should probably check your blood pressure, you might stroke out.
Lets not forget about the greeting cards too!
That was the main reason I came to any of these sites in the first place. The coverage wasn’t unbiased or anything, but I really appreciated the snark. Apparently some of the powers that be didn’t like it so much. I wonder if they are republican shitbags, or if it was just somehow all about the money.
wtf? That was my most favorite part of the whole site. Where am I going to go for snarky political content now?
No new posts on Splinter for 2 days and it disappeared from the menu.....why isn’t anyone saying anything about this?
Its essentially asking someone to do work for free for the campaign. Its an in-kind donation from a foreign government. That’s illegal. The bigger crime is the obstruction of this though. Nixon didn’t get in trouble for the watergate break-in, he got in trouble for the coverup.
Can you even reach the infotainment screen from the driver’s seat? Sheesh!
Its definitely not an improvement from the 2009 Sentra I got rid of because it was a shitbox (it ran fine, but it was awful driving, terrible ergonomics, ugly interior, whiny cvt, I could go on and on about it)
I don’t think he has any idea that what he did was highly illegal. Its perfectly fine to ask that kind of thing as a private citizen if I’m not mistaken, but as a president, a big no-no.