
So, no one’s ever actually been to Indianapolis?

I thought dropping entire syllables from words was part of your national identity?

I have the thing where my name isn’t really all that hard, but it LOOKS like a name you see every day. I used to get upset, but then I read one of those silly facebook things where every word is vaguely misspelled, but your brain reads it right anyway, and realized people’s brains are just programed to go with

You probably dodged a bullet if you did grow up in Bakersfield, lets bo honest.

ICYM. Jordan then went on to tell a man with terminal cancer that “everything works out for the best"

Over/Under the reds winning 65 games? I’ve already started drinking due to the depression this team is going to riddle me with this summer.

Do they sell bodies and frames?

My regular travel days are coming to an end. I’m thinking of starting a coup at the airport for my last routine flight. I fear I’ll be seriously out numbered. My own personal Emu War.

Can we throw in people in airports with rolling bags that they trapse along with, both behind and to the side, and then never acknowledge they’re now utilizing the space of four people as they stare up to the ceiling oblivious to the fact there are thousands of others sharing that space?

Ball care has a new face..

Glad to see being objectively wrong at lists crosses all Gawker Media platforms.

What about a Feedbag? Can we get a Feedbag? It’s just that, it’s sorta how I found Deadspin to begin with and I really, really miss it.

Zip ‘em up...your pants I mean...

OK, I’ll say it...I’ll miss the “News” but I won’t miss the star in a reasonably priced car, that was always terrible.

Two things, one, it seemed to me VA was their own undoing. They broke the press with ease most of the time, the issue was that once they broke the half court line, whomever had the ball just ran to the hoop and chucked up a prayer over CreepStash Lydon instead of falling back into their normal offensive set.

So are we not going to talk about Lydon’s really gross creepstash?

She has two brothers one of which already has children.

I’m the end of my family tree.

Demerara Sugar if you can find. But Turbinado will do and is typically easier to come by.

The only real fight the future Mrs. BoozyCat and I have ever had was about this very topic. She has a unique last name and I have a very run of the mill last name (top three most common). Her changing her name is something I care about, to a degree, but not something I’d be willing to sacrifice the relationship on.