
I need clarification. Does just saying the N word make you racist? Does saying it to a digital avatar of someone who can’t hear you and may or may not be black make you racist? Apparently the bar of what makes you racist has been lowered. Pretty soon everyone will be racist. Then who will the internet burn at the

Oh no I’m so offended. Internet emergency internet emergency. The dude said one offensive word in the heat of game during what was probably an 4-8 hour streaming session. How many hundreds maybe thousands of hours has this guy streamed over the years? Someone slips up once and now everyone pile on and destroy him. All

I was planning to subscribe to YouTube red again but not anymore. Maybe popular YouTubers should submit all of their videos for approval or editing so anything that might offend someone can be removed before being posted? I’m sure that would make for some very interesting content.

Yes a bunch of celebrities screaming about incest and blowing up the White House will certainly make them alter their agenda.

Yep no one showed up yesterday