Jonathan Karate

Do you know what satire is?

Further down he says "diversity trolls". I didn't even know that was a thing.

Why is it that the age thing bothers you so much? I'm really dumbfounded by that. Idris Elba is a fantastic actor, very popular and painfully good looking. I have a good feeling he'll stay that way for the next several years. Daniel Craig is 47 now, Pierce Brosnan was 42 when he did his first Bond film…..

If Elba was white, but otherwise exactly the same, he would just get cast and nobody would be arguing about it.

I think it's less "pushing to change the race" and more "Idris Elba is amazing and would make a great Bond".

I want people to succeed or fail based on whether they're racist or not.

I think we're also missing the larger point, which is: Even if there were a female or gay Bond someday, IT'S A MOVIE WHO EVEN GIVES A SHIT?!

"It would be hard."

Daniel Craig has only been Bond for 9 years and this will be his last film. The films have been coming out every 2-4 years. So, even if it takes 4 years for the next to come out, Idris Elba would only be 46 or 47, nine years later he would be 55-56. I'm really not seeing the problem here.

Yeah, but have you seen Idris Elba… anything ever? He does sexy like it's his job.

Idris Elba is only 42, so…… what are we even arguing about?

*It has to be Idris Elba all the time.

Damn! I tried.

Uh, you forgot the cheese, heathen.

So do the makers of chapsticks! And Soylent Green is people!

You just made me spit my Newman's Own coffee everywhere. Now I have to go back to McDonalds!

You seem irritable, have you eaten? Maybe some McDonald's breakfast would help.

Here's a question: what compels you to keep trying breakfast foods from Taco Bell? Do you have a death wish?!

It tastes like it already did.

Mouth happy, stomach angry, butt sad.