
Then how come he wont give away half his fortune to charity now and the rest after he dies like Bill Gates has done? Steve Jobs = greedy bastard still.

Umbrella baby is creepier

Better lesson. Post your pictures on facebook instead of twitter where you can control who sees your pictures.

Doesnt really matter to me. I have AT&T and probably will stay with them just because I dont like Sprints business plan nor do I like Verizon's customer service and billing issues. I used to be with Verizon but got tired of 200 dollars worth of hidden charges month after month and finally canceled with them.

Still dont see how this is an antitrust issue as TMobile has been on the verge of bankrupt for the past few years and Deutsche Telekom has been looking to get out of the US market asap.

Because theres so much traffic and people trying to get between Russia and Alaska across the Bering straight that an epic $65 billion tunnel is needed.... What a farce...

It was a category 1 when it hit not a cat 3.

All of Florida and the Gulf coast were sitting around laughing at the people in the Northeast and the media outlets about how this was the storm of the century and was gonna be balls to the wall bad.

Can we nuke sweden after we evacuate all the hot blondes from the country so I dont have to see anymore stories about Notch and how "great" minecraft is?

So whatever happened to the Mechwarrior Reboot? Last I heard they were in a lawsuit over some of the mechs but had settled or gotten over it... Anyone have any new news from them?

To be honest shes not that hot. That look and that pose that Bioware decided to go with doesnt interest me at all. So theres no reason for me to fap. I think fans were going for more crazy pissed off red head look instead of lets make a super sexy brunette starlet we can think of for private happy time.

The only 3D im looking foward to is Star Wars after that 3D can bugger off!

Whatever happened to the birthday mod from the original TFC where the grenades would explode into presents and when someone died it would say Happy Birthday to you with noisemakers sounding?

Biggest current flops is dropping Flash support from current devices and suing Android devices because they have started to grab a huge foothold of the market and iOS is becoming dull


Agreed I hate all the talk and people who think Steve Jobs is some great technowizard who thought up all this stuff.


Is that Courtney Cox? The only still decently hot one from Friends...