
From what I have seen it seems the AI seems pretty dumb and finicky. I saw once that they couldnt traverse over a small gradient and they player had to make a small ramp out of dirt so they could walk over a small step in the earth.

PS Vita is a quad core and ipad2 is only a dual core. Both have the same amount of memory.

Guild Wars 2 is just Guild Wars with some new graphics. Theres nothing new Guild Wars 2 is bringing to the table. Its just a graphically polished game. Name 1 thing that Guild Wars has that even remotely trumps a dialogue wheel that actually puts the player in control of the story line... yeah nothing.

How can you say its not that good of a game when you havent played it. Not to mention one persons opinion means crap in the grand scheme of things. Needless to say the amount of good reviews and people looking forward to this game far outweighs all the needless hate and bs reviews its getting from a very few amount

Skynet has become self aware.

I still thing SW:TOR has the most potential to become the new WoW and if not dethrone it become its equal? Why? Because SW:TOR has so much more to bring now with what MMOs are known for and what they can be.

Honestly nothing Nintendo has done so far has wowed my or made me decide to comeback to Nintendo from Playstation still. All Nintendo seems to be able to do is ride the Mario and Zelda wave. No new Donkey Kong of Banjo Kazooie or Star Fox etc etc.

Still think it would be awesome if Hugh Jackman would sign on to have Wolverine join eventually.

Dont really want CoD to fall off the map after all it promotes innovation and competition for BF3 which in turn makes BF better.

Ezio has proximity mines!?!?

I dont know how you can be skeptical of this game. A game that builds on already tried and trued UI like wow that combines great story telling with Biowares great choose your own path conversation wheel. The fact I can have my own npc companion helping me in fights and do all the difficult mining and crafting and

Sounds like they went from virtual legos to virtual GI Joe...

That would be "Scrolls" not "Scroll"

Dont have any books with scary sea monsters in the lab in case you stumble upon this...

Please come to Texas we welcome your insane amount of deluge Hurricane Gods...

I just like how he enjoys looking at so many things this world has to offer

The design reminds me of Flight of the Navigator

Did not help this guy much

Prepare for unforseen consequences...