
Not if I have anything to say about it...

Theres also a big difference in claiming you have made your countries first aircraft carrier when in reality you just bought an old outdated carrier from Russia and put a new paint job and shiny new gun turrets on it.

Should I be surprised hat fortress 2?

Agreed she always sounds like shes constantly pissed off and forever a renegade. MaleShep seems to be more genuinely concerned and caring as a paragon role.

As long as the network support doesnt suck like Unreal 3

Taking a page from wargaming bringing actual world war 2 tanks to E3...

I am the same way. Fallout 3 looked great from the storyline and preview trailers but the gameplay and clunk of the fights were not enjoyable at all. Oblivion was fun for about 30 seconds. The n00b problems of finding out I cant walk because my pack is too full and trying to find out how to empty it coupled with

i didnt like fallout or cod

Oh harro

I played Oblivion but found it boring and glitchy.

I still dont see whats draws people to this franchise or why it has so much appeal... Sure the graphics look great but im not jumping through hoops and counting down the minuts like I do for other RPG games... Whats so great about Elder Scrolls?

Anon finally attacks someone worth deserving of an attack...


I do as well!

According to articles on NASA's website they are still hoping to go back to the moon as a means to practice for Mars.

Some men just want to watch the world burn

I hate how the media is making it seem like NASA is dead and we arent going to space anymore...

Id rather attend CoDCon than VirtualLegosCon

I think another big problem with WoW is the changing game mechanics/inability to come up with new things and the fact they have killed off most villains from the RTS.

I bet the population drops by more than 2 million after Old Republic launches