
its the Mel Gibson defense

Problem most WW2 flight sims in the ace combat style arent that great.. like Blazing Angels.

Agree with that 100%. Also I can usually agree with Anonymous targets more than Lulzsec targets. The only thing I dont agree with them on is their defense of Wikileaks.

I can only imagine the rage face Jack Thompson had today when he saw the news...

Now playing

Just tell your kids no... quit being lazy and actually BE a parent.

God bless that man and God bless America!!!

Now playing

Definately still some good left in this world!

Suck it Jack Thompson!!!!

Its official?????!?!?!?

Only because he settled out of court and he was sued not charged with a crime. But he did release information that is Sony's property.

How is Armored Core? I tried Armored Core 4 when I first got the PS3 when it released trying to find a decent game back when PS3's library was small and abysmal. It was ok. Is this new one looking better with larger battles?

This is why you dont hack gaming companies. You will eventually piss off the internet world and smarter groups will come after you for interrupting their fun time.

More like we know the heat is after us and we are surrendering now before we have more charges put against us so we can get a smaller sentence when the law catches up.

there was also a dev blog mentioned above but it pretty much skirted the main issues and was more like a positive spin on a big middle finger to the players. Also now a purported email from their CEO hilmar has been released saying CCP will stay the course and ignore the player base. No word on the authenticity of

They have not come out saying wheteher or not the in game store will only sell vanity items. They have hinted in various documents that they may start selling ships, ammo, and faction standings for in game money.


Frivoulous lawsuits are frivoulous...

"They are lonely people that are programmed to feel that they need an enemy at all times," Topiary said.

obvious xbox fanboy is obvious