
Apparently there was Civial War in the Solomons going on when they did try to salvage her. By the time it was over she was already stripped of everything of value. She is now a tourist attraction for the region. I am sure the costs of yanking her out and cutting her up outweigh anything that can be gained. Not to

In another castle?

I dont even think New Orleans has a ship building area capable of producing war ships. Most of Americas warships are made in Maine, Virgina or Mississippi or somewhere else on the east coast.

Locked in your room in your moms house. Glued to the computer. Claiming to be a hacker when all you can do is DDoS. Yep exactly what I envisioned. Prepare to have a ruined life kid!

Minecraft... I know a ton of people who play but I still think its the biggest stupid piece of junk out there. It not even remotely entertaining or rewarding to play. I just steer clear of it because I know I will be thrown in jail or banned instantly for going around destroying peoples work or redirecting lava

Geeze if they made a Potter MMO do they realize how many trolls it would attract...

Cant help but see this everytime i hear of the riots... and I still lol

Half Life teaches kids to prepare for unforseen consequences

And yet there was just as many total failures.... Power Glove, Rock n Roller, ROB, UForce, Super Scope, Speedboard....

Odell Lake u controlled a fish that ate things and tried not to be eaten by everything else. Cross Country USA was a truck driving sim.

So anyone who is able to do a DDOS attack is now automatically considered and granted the title of hacker? Please.... this is getting old. Anyone can do a DDOS attack. Lulzsec and anyone claiming they are total badass hackers because than perform DDOS attacks are morons and failures at hacking.

If you are not a member of Lulzsec then why shy away from talking to the media? What have you got to hide? I think anyone else would have just stated hey I got hacked and here is the info and would be more than willing to talk to the media.

Do you remember Odell Lake and Cross Country USA for the Apple II and Mac?

Now playing

I cant help but notice the pants they are issued for anti-zombie combat.... Its goretex!

Im noticing not many playstation plus prices... is this because everyone got a free month?

Where he will actually end up...

What?? No Triforce?? Why no Triforce???!

Also what does she mean by mslo...