
Nintendo should offer discounts if you trade in your old Wii. Because this HD support should have been on the original Wii. I doubt many people will go out and blow another couple hundred on a new Wii just to play in HD. Sure there will be some die hards but they wont come close to the amount sold as the original

Atleast the Vita actually has analog sticks and isnt the size of a station wagon...

It may be light but why must it be so huge and still not support analog sticks? I bet the battery life is donkey balls.

Yet it still will lack any hardcore games and a massive bible size awkward controller will not convince many of its strengths. Nintendo will always be the casual gamer system.

E3 Presentation rankings..

Doesnt matter how light it is if its the size of the Gutenburg Bible... Bulky massive controllers no thanks. And they still cant fit analog sticks on this monstrosity and have to use Circle Pads?? Nintendo E3 is once again disappointing and full of fail.

Geeze could this thing be any bulkier?

So far nothing new or exciting. Why must Nintendo E3 be a yawn fest year after year?

Ive always loved their music and soundtracks. I have the complete AC04 and AC05 soundtracks. Of course im happy to see it returning to PlayStation consoles as well since they never made good on the supposed timed release for AC06

And the apches can do barrel rolls!!

I will miss it too. But to be honest they did visit pretty much every corner of the ficitional globe and would get kind of stale trying to find new ways to have new wars. I really wont miss it as long as the battles are epic and the soundtracks continue to be incredible. The music has always been impressive.

As someone who plays EVE and is an avid PS3 fan I still have to say this is a stupid move by CCP. This game needs and deserves to be multi platform. With only PS3 users playing a game that still looks mediocre with graphics and hard to see with the dark aspects of it only having it on the PS3 certainly restricts the

This was a dumb idea for CCP. I say that as an EVE player and as a PS3 fan. Needs to be multiplatform to provide the most amount of gamers to be available to the Corps and Alliances in the MMO!

It was never going to be released on the PC. This has always been talked about as being console only.

This game is only as fun as how large your creative side for those of us who dont have a creative side and think that building in only 8 bit legos is stupid this game offers nothing on the destrutive scale I could want. Needs physics to make better death and shennanigans for ruining peoples hard done work. I would


Thats not his health those lights were there in Mass Effect 2... sorry to disappoint you...