
Maybe if the game looked half this good it wouldnt suck so much ass

Craftable weapons ruined the game. Need a restore to originality function that disables all new weapons or weapons of your choice to go back to the original TF2 days.

IMO the updates and hats and new abilities sort of ruined the game. I wish valve would come out with a support module or option for servers to disable all unlockable items so you can just go back to playing original Team Fortress without any of new craftable weapons.

People need to stop bashing XIII the story wasnt bad and the combat system and graphics were awesome it just really lacked a lot of the depth that earlier Final Fantasy games had and some other minor problems. Other than that I enjoy XIII

I would also call it an annoyance.... kept me from my Killzone 3 DLC and game time!

Even with the paragon personality femshep always sounds pissed off and arrogant and a total tool...

Can the release wait for a bit?

People need to realize that Sony isnt suing for Hotz modding the PS3 but for the release of the security keys... WHICH IS THEIR PROPERTY NOT YOURS.

Take off GTA4 and Super Mario Galaxy

Not gonna play Minecraft until Physics gets involved. Many people like building but I like destruction. I want to be able to come up with ingenious fun ways to destroy your hard worked wonders. Pretty much why I dont and will not play Minecraft. Im not a builder of worlds but a destroyer...

Designing an 8 bit virtual world of legos hardly makes someone "clever" and "innovative"

This is game is not innovative. Why in the world would an 8 bit virtual legos simulator be considered innovative if only because he thought of it and his fingers were too fat to pull apart legos when he messed up building them or is too lazy to go out and buy them...

Really? Minecraft won the innovation? How is a game that uses decades old graphics and a simplistic game style innovative?

Im still somewhat disappointed... I really thought Phillip Seymour Hoffman would have made a good Penguin.

God I hope they have multiple character control so I can summon three eidolons in a battle if I want to instead of being forced to only use 1 per each battle. Otherwise whats the point of having so many??

Wow Gundam vs Code Geass vs Full Metal Panic vs other anime Mechs?

Is there a mode to satisfy my destructive side so I can build a catapult or trebuchet to hurl blocks and destroy all the works of art people spent days building?

I hate both I really dont see the appeal in either one is good graphics with a boring gameplay style and the other one is crap graphics with the same boring gameplay style. Honestly its just virtual legos and with a blocky style I cant be too creative in how I build things.

Sticking with AT&T... Better prices and better support.