Connor should spend less time worrying about his parents vacation plans and more time on personal hygiene, those finger nails are disgusting.
Connor should spend less time worrying about his parents vacation plans and more time on personal hygiene, those finger nails are disgusting.
Boomers say millenials need trophies to feel adequate, when it was the boomers that created job titles to accomplish the same thing.
Sean Newell
Because the POINT of Facebook is to let everyone know what a blessing it is to be a blessing to others. Be #blessed deadspin.
nothing “lite” about those meat sticks.
Well stated, thank you for providing a response I wish came out days ago.
Fall protection is required for anything over 6ft. Iron workers get 15ft before fall protection is required. Pretty easy OSHA violation if he does not have fall protection.
Fritz Peterson
“I have no comment on this” is now the defacto response for any NFL player knowingly breaking the law this year.
Moved to downtown Indianapolis from Chicago. First day I was hounded to go to California fucking Pizza Kitchen for its uh-mazing pizza cuisine. I’m no Chicago pizza snob, but good god, it took me one week to judge your fucking city.
“And yes I never ran a marathon” ...and continues to write 5 more lines of nonsense.
Most runners seem to be fairly quiet. Hating on someone that goes out and runs and hating on someone who goes out and runs and celebrates with a Kumas burger is two different things entirely. But then again your probably the asshole walking 3 wide in the wrong direction on the lake shore path.
Marathon times or your point in invalid.
The hate is strong with Aaron, love it.
Jesus, they really do have the book “The Art of Score” still in its wrapper.
I look forward to telling my kids about Rowengartner’s toss from Wrigley’s outfield, ain’t ever seen anything like that since.
And I thought the only ass catching fly balls was Zach Hample.
2nd and goal isn’t the only gimme Russell regrets.
I think the best part was Zach’s new friend, Marlin Man, got real upset at the whole ordeal and disapproved of their friendship. Two hours of my holiday weekend were spent looking at those two’s Twitter, I want that back.
I still believe