
My sister-in-laws boyfriend’s employee -

Tens of dollars of product were lost.

Pretty sure that 245 will drive right away once the waters recede.

Is the food salted with the tears of Amazon employees?

Is the food salted with the tears of Amazon employees?

Dated for about 5 months when she lived 1.5 hours away before she moved 2,000 miles away for grad school. Long distance dated for the two years she was away and then she moved to be near me after graduation. We’ve been together 20 years, married for 15.

Amazon is taken.

Beyonce was the third best singer in Destiny’s Child.

Does it mention farm equipment?

You expect far too much from corporate America.

Wherever I go, he goes...

I want a 1977 Countach LP400S but they’re suck and being a car. I would buy Porsche 930.

Dodge. 1973-2021

Ferrari and Corvette are swapping design aesthetics.

To me fuel economy is about emissions so ... in my daily driver, no. In transfer trucks, planes, trains, gardening equipment, yes.

I worked full time for a yearbook company while I was in college getting a degree in graphic design in the late 90s, early 00s. This was standard for many schools over 20 years ago — widening straps for shirts, removing visible bra straps, removing cleavage, removing cigarettes, etc. Why is it just now an issue?

Like if could do with one less $2B aircraft carrier and use that to fund cybersecurity?

Been to Paris several times. Learn basic French commands and try to use them. Begin every encounter with a pleasant “Bonjour.” and folks’ll be more accommodating. There are many 2CV tours in Paris. The kids preferred the sidecar tours.

<Reads the replies to your comment.> Well that was all easily verifiable information.

Had a friend (actually a boyfriend to my wife’s coworker) go on and on about how liberals were ruining the country blah, blah, blah while we were in his car on the way to a concert in the early 2000s. He then started in on buying American and that’s why he bought his Dodge Stratus.

See my previous statement.