
It’s why I pulled the trigger on the FoST — hurting fanbase/bros aside — it cost $10k less than a MINI for 70 more bhp. Also the Clubbie was getting ridiculous to service: $700 to replace the front sway bar bushings at the dealership (instead made friends with a guy that owns a shop in my wife’s hometown that lets be

The new clubman is larger at inside seating area than the FoST. The FoST has a larger cargo area. Another fun fact: the new clubman is 1 inch taller, 1 inch wider, and only 9 inches shorter than my ‘88 Volvo wagon.

That’s why I went with the Clubman in ‘09; three inches of extra space for the reverse facing car seat can make all of the difference.

The wife refuses to drive on highways so I get to pick which car to take. She won’t let the kids in my ‘88 245, I hate driving her Accord CVT, and the ‘00 M roadster can’t fit the dog.

I have since upgraded to a Focus ST. The wife refuses to drive on highways so I get to pick which car to take. She won’t let the kids in my ‘88 245, I hate driving her Accord CVT, and the ‘00 M roadster can’t fit he dog.

The umbrella stroller attached to the roof rack along with the bikes. Everything else inside the car.

Yeah, I traded the Clubman in for a Focus ST (actually smaller than the new Clubman). The kids are old enough now that dont bring anything along with them except books and their lovies. The wife can now pack for 2 weeks in Europe in a carry-on roller.

It’s car #4.

Other than Germany -- which is SUV crazy -- the largest car on the road is that V60 up above.

It’s not. Why buy more car than you need.

I sold the Clubman in 2016 and got a FoST. Now the dog has more room.

As someone born in Asheville and grew up there in the 70s and 80s, It used to be Volvo 245s.

Author has no idea how to baby. Struggles going to the store in a huge wagon.

Truth. I own an ‘88 245 for nostalgia and a ‘13 Outback for actual use.

How do you put sugar in the tank of a Tesla?

Hell, Michael C Hall is even from North Carolina.

Unknown Brewery in Charlotte has and ‘86 El Camino.

The first years of Gen X are in their mid-50s. This car is made for them (us). Most guys in their 70s aren’t looking to buy new anything at this point.

Underrated Clash comment.

I did one year of college at ECU in 1995-1996. It was the longest year of my life.