Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Y’know, I really wish someone would tell these sports entities to (checks notes) “stick to sports”...

Not really, but it sure tells me a lot about what kind of a reader you are.

He’s just ordinary people.

And apparently it was important enough for that tsunami to go to the trouble of immediately creating huge numbers of accounts just to do so! It’s that sudden uncontrollable urge to “refute” from people who are otherwise oblivious to downright blatant racial bigotry 24/7 that makes it painfully hilarious!

I saw this comment and I was like, “Oh? How bad could it be?”

This is hilarious, I was singing this song to myself on the way back from the park earlier.

I think you misspelledDignity’ in your title.

He doesn’t hate America.. he hates what America has become.. It’s become more diverse with equality being granted to all...and that is what he hates. It’s supposed to be equality for all white men, and a few select white women. Everyone else is a nice “fuck you” with a smile.

It’s trash. The shoe literally looks like a dumpster had a three-way with a ramp and a regular running shoe. The result was the Yeezy 700.

Mr. Lue Mr. James on Line 2.

EVs are especially susceptible as well.

Same here - I use G+ all the time. I actually have met people that I consider friends on that. 

Yeah, I still like plus. It was a nice, less-stupid version of Facebook where my real-life friends hung out and I could follow the feeds of a few tech blogs.


They do get up to Crazy Things Every game. Very exciting.

Maybe all of this is just a plot to promote the Vikings’ new marketing catchphrase...

I was just kidding! You Can’t Take Everything so seriously.

C’mon Thewalkingdude, Everyone acts like this from time to time.

“helping a company you believe in” and “performing free work for a company because they need more sales staff but don’t want to hire them” are very different.

Ferrari can fucking pay me. Also, IDGAF about Ferraris. I’ll at least take a call from Daihatsu.