Ridiculously inept analysis, brought by someone who can't spell "lose." Color me shocked.
Ridiculously inept analysis, brought by someone who can't spell "lose." Color me shocked.
Reads like Laver's Law from 1937, and very true. I'm still never going to be a fan of the 1970's though.
I was born in X
You have your finger on the pulse of billions of Muslims, eh? Explain something to me. I have three siblings. We were raised by the same parents, grew up in the same house, went to the same schools, the same churches, wore the same clothes even and had some of the same teachers. You can't get the four of…
Every "socially liberal but fiscally conservative" moderate Republican friend many of us have should also be pistol-whipping the Tea Party terrorists, and yet that doesn't seem to be happening.
That isn't valid at all. They are expecting an American Muslim to do something about Muslims that live in entirely different parts of the world. It would be more valid to question why peaceful American Christians didn't do much about German Christians before we entered WWII.
The Muslim peace movement is called Islam. Islam has no Pope. Every act of violence is denounced, publicly and often, but it's never enough for people like you, is it?
Do you not recall the Gulf War, when direct missile strikes were brought to our home screens courtesy of advanced satellite technology, so that we and our TV commentators could watch and cheer together? I remember people laughing hysterically at the spectral image of a terrified man—a pale, human-shaped blip on the…
Since Benghazi was the subject of the discussion, I present you with images of Libyan protestors after the attack in Benghazi.
Ahmed answered quietly, as before. "I guess it's me right now," she said.
The No True Scotsman fallacy! Try again.
These were published on Buzzfeed like, 6 months ago. It got 2.4 million views
I would be pretty mortified if my daughter did this. Young girls just should not be making judgemental comments on the interwebs. I always get so uncomfortable when I see girls who sound like they are in middle school commenting while reading Jezebel and the like
All the feminists I've met and talked to in my life have been leaps and bounds more respectful of men than non- or anti-feminists are, simply because they know how toxic gender roles are, and that simply because men are privileged over women doesn't mean they aren't subject to them either. This whole idea of misandry…
But do you ever feel the urge to throw acid on someone while working for Google?
I'm not really going to address the first point, because that context was never indicated at any point in this thread or the article it's referencing.
The only explanation for Jason Biggs.....
Better option: Don't drink, smoke more herbs. Alcohol is more dangerous, and the stoner-bros are in too vegetative a state to tell you to man up.