mad chjhuahua

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

Savvy? No. Just a lot of brain dead fans with expendable cash.

Savvy? She was born into a rich family, where she got rich from having a tv crew follow her around as she lived a rich person’s life, where she used her popularity to have someone create a shitty, micro-transaction app.

She’s not savvy, people are just incredibly stupid and love celebrities wayyy too much.

You want validation. 88000 people die every year due to alcohol related issues. Be it illness, falling down the stairs or drunk driving killing themselves and others. 88000. In the US alone.

Apple: The phone choice for terrorists and criminals alike! Order yours today!

I’m sure his burns appreciate the fine distinction.

What if you discover that the goat is your true love?

And it’s not like Trump hasn’t questioned the faith of others that he’s running against. I swear, it’s like watching a horrendous car accident EVERY SINGLE DAY with this jackass.

There are a shocking number of people who essentially known nothing about encryption or backdoors or just the law in general who think this is “really simple, Apple should just help the FBI do this one thing because ‘terrorists don’t have rights’”.

Why can’t Apple say “OK, we will crack it for you. Bring us the phone. Go away. We will call you when it is open.” That way, the FBI gets the data, Apple keeps the technique safe, everyone is happy.

I eat cereal, cottage cheese, and fruit most mornings before work. I'm already getting carbs and whole grains. Why eat toast?

Chop a stick in half. Leave half in the fridge and half on the counter?

"Rock hard" butter?? WTF is "rock hard" butter? I guess if you keep your fridge as cold as a deep freezer, it might not be spreadable, but if you have your fridge at a reasonable temp, it's totally doable. The key is to carefully slice off very-thin sheets from the end of the butter stick. You seem to be stuck in this

Get a butter bell. They create a seal on the jar with water which keeps scents in, but since it can stay on the counter, is lovely and spreadable. Best of both worlds!

Toddlers and cat in fridge, butter on countertop.

Are you serious, it's one of the worst things ever. I LOVE using my room temperature butter, it just spreads so nice.

Butter crocks are amazing things. For those who are inexperienced in their use, you are basically storing the butter in an upside down cup and sealing the air in with a little water.

My girlfriend introduced me to this concept and it's soooo much better than keeping it in the fridge. The only thing I've noticed is that if it's been out for a while (like more than a couple weeks) it starts to taste a little off (not bad or anything). So as long as you go through butter reasonably quickly, or just