Booth Love

Which means they're just being outrightly racist, and they can't draw geographical boundaries
But then an article like this mentions someone lik Dev Patel - who is by all accounts British - thereby considering him Asian
Which is racist in a sense also
Are all brown or yellow people Asian then? Is it a race - an ethnic

Both. One of my comments seems to have been deleted. I just mentioned that he was in likelihood discounting the sexual capital of a smaller group of people - but what's worse is Americans don't tend to think of people from the Indian subcontinent, Arab nations, or even half of Russia as 'Asian', and they sexualise

And also it makes it worse that when they say Asian they discount all the other countries and people

Well no but it's discounting the sexual capital of a smaller group of individuals

In fairness, I think he meant only South-East Asian men i.e those with Mongoloid features. Americans aren't really particular about the dignity or accuracy of minority labels like that
Either way, it's a disgusting 'joke'.