Save the pavilion!

Instead of fighting the world of sports and with a childlike stance that the Big East didn't need football teams before and doesn't need them now, St. John's University could add a football team, and use the World Fair pavilion as a football stadium site. The University would gain exposure by acting as a weekend

To rebuild the structures to their former glory will take as much money as our Government spends in roughly eleven minutes.

The City of New York could not give a more fitting tribute to Robert Moses than bulldozing something he loved onto the shitheap of history.

And build what? Developers would argue for decades about what to build there and spend tens of millions in the process. And in all likelihood, whatever they replace it with would end up being some trashy mess like the rest of Queens. And so what if it costs 72M to transform it into something great? It isn't as if the

Works for me.

You'll regret it if you knock it down!

Seeing this from the schoolbus made my childhood trips to the New York Hall of Science extra cool! I guess this will be another thing my future theoretical kids (somehow living my past in their imaginary future) won't have.

Just have Tony Stark fix it up for the next Stark Expo. He's kind of responsible for messing it up when he had that big drone fight with The Wrestler.

What a stupid way of organizing society and making decisions.

There are lots of very rich people who live in New York, surely a few of them could donate some of their fortunes to help such a worthy cause.

My thoughts:

True, but then again lots of buildings are left over from World Fairs. People thought the Eiffel Tower was an eyesore, too.

Now playing

But the Don't Let's Start video was filmed there! Surely that's enough to make this a historical landmark.

I live about 5 minutes away from it, and it's fun to bike through. Keep it.

Queens Community board already sold out the people of Corona by approving the plan for the mega mall to be built on the city park land that is not the Citifield parking lot. Essentially giving away city owned land for a private endeavor for private profit. What makes you think there would be any support in

Queens Community board already sold out the people of Corona by approving the plan for the mega mall to be built on the city park land that is not the Citifield parking lot. Essentially giving away city owned land for a private endeavor for private profit. What makes you think there would be any support in

If they can turn a run down elevated commercial railway into the high line, they can make this place awesome. It is definitely the most iconic thing I can think of in Queens. If I were the borough president, I'd be fighting tooth and nail to keep this and turn it into something new and amazing

World fairs are meant to be semi-temporary. Look at a lot of others around the world, well.. you can't anymore. I say tear it down, and have another worlds fair. Does it serve a purpose anymore? doubtful. Most people probably only know it as some odd building from MiB and not the 64-5 Worlds Fair.

Wait so this is that building in GTA IV?

Just give them to disney let them do the work & bring money to the area.