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We know you have a choice when browsing sports websites. Thank you for browsing Deadspin. Let it ride, let it roll,…
Donny 2 Scoops claims he’s a 4 handicap. I was a 2 5 years ago before I had a total shoulder replacement and haven’t so much as picked up a club since. I’ll mortgage my house and bet that orange Julius fuck nut $1,500,000 to play straight up. No 10 foot gimmes, no fucking mulligans, every fucking stroke counts.
They hid a swarm of bees in the glovebox.
This guy has yet to make it through 12 steps, let alone an entire staircase.
Yep. Some asshole above pulled out FIFTY FIVE YEAR OLD PICTURES of Bernie taken before he white-flighted his ass to the whitest state in America. While Hillary was working for education, children’s health care, and equality, Bernie was writing porn for some weirdo magazine and not paying child support.
I would love to give you all the stars for this. So many times I heard people complaining the the DNC wasn’t treating Sanders fairly, to which my response was always he’s not a member of the Democratic Party. Sanders wouldn’t identify as such, refused to do anything for downticket candidates, and was only using the…
Why shouldn’t the DNC support the candidate they wanted? Bernie is a joke. And a bunch of you fell for another white man claiming he could solve everything when he never did anything his entire legislative career.
Because Stein had absolutely no chance of ever being in charge. It’s great you threw your vote away for a psychotic Russian puppet.
He was perfectly fine pushing false equivalencies and he never once called out his asshole supporters. He’s a piece of shit.
Really makes me want to punch Bernie and his die hards in the mouth. Those fuckers gave us this because they couldn’t handle a woman being in charge. Pathetic, pathetic little man.
Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?
What. The. Fuck...
In some history books in 2150 it would read “The second cold war was started by a strange group of people that loved rusted Volkswagen Beetles and brown station wagons”
omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it
Yeah yeah. But we did hold your beer while you elected Trump. So...
“Finally my chance to get off the Mets!”
This guy definitely walks away from explosions without looking back.
“Hey maybe you haven’t been keepin’ up on current events but we JUST GOT OUR ASSES KICKED PAL!”
Yes, it is everyone else who is obviously at fault. You are much to special to not be allowed to cut in front of everyone else. Yes, they are the self righteous people, not you. I can see that, how foolish of me to not realize your special right to cut in.
Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.