
i much preferred decals to stance.

too bad only person that would have bought that color combo is dead. RIP Prince

It would be racist if George Clooney tweeted the same thing for white women though.

And Zuckerberg thought Musk was full of hot steam.

this is a case where Ford ruined a perfectly good looking car... WTF is up with that front.

pic of said girl so we can see how ugly she is.

I mean they could’ve least gotten Terry Crews to do the cosplay.

front looks good but side still kinda reminds me a bland rental.

isn’t Harley the Oldsmobile equivalent of motorcycles?

probably at your moms drive way.

calm down. Life is too damn short to drive something just to “fit in”. I’ll daily a Type R and have a blast doing so.

I’m 38, buying a Type R. I love that it looks like a car straight out of a anime.

3300lbs? WTF for a FWD hatch? Did honda use voodoo magic to get the Type R at 3100lbs?

I’m sure its a great car but I just can’t get over the rental Malibu looks.

you rather be stuck in elo hell where you hit your skill cap and nolonger rank up?

I wasn’t a racist but damn... black people sure making alot of people in to one. Entitled bitches.

someone needs to slow mo and add the terminator theme.

you guys should create a blog of all the shit blacks do to every other race.

dat mercy doe

thats inital quality. Has nothing to do with reliability. Long term everyone knows Hondas are pretty much rock solid reliable.