SXSW is still 5 weeks away, so this guy had to kill time somehow...
I have only dealt with (very) rural lots. No camera's that I could ever see.
Hello fellow Pittsburgher!
I've often wondered this. I was reading my car manual (yes I read those) and it clearly states do not tow it with only 2 wheels on the ground and 2 say, locked on the back of a pickup truck, that's why my car has the badge and window sticker (both put there by Subaru) Symmetrical AWD. I keep wondering what would…
just wait for him to keep going, I guess.
billionaire chariots? the R8 currently is one of the cheapest mid engine sports cars you can buy. You sound like a pissed off teenage who hates anyone who makes more than minimum wage
.... And the gated 6-speed.
I should've picked up on that considering the number of times I've seen that movie. My family would be so disappointed. Haha And yes a M6 GTS or CSL should be made now.
So, fuck the Veyron. Good riddance. With cheap-ass Hellcats making HP numbers in spitting distance of the Veyron's anyway — or at least equally unusably absurd — does it even matter anymore? Of course your $2+ million car is insanely fast. Duh. In the end, if it just sits there, who really cares?
I have a funny feeling that she is indeed a mercenary. You just can't make a story like this up. It's so outlandish, it has to be true.
Seriously, haven't we all wanted to kill a used car dealer with a 2x4 at some point? I'm still looking for the guy that sold me a Ford Escort in 1989.
Well said, mate.
Two other people have already responded more or less along the same lines as I will, but since I made the original comment, I'll respond as well.
I like how you call this guy a typical Porsche douche when you yourself drive a cobalt SS...
show me on the doll where the Porsche touched you