You must have had a good one. Vac lines are reason enough to call bs.
Preach on. I easily spend less on my out of warranty RS4 then what I spent on my very low milage Rx-7 I had when i was a wee lad. Very well put on your part.
the DCT is a revelation*
yea. Someone really peed in tomita's cheerios the morning this was first brought up. And lovely vehicle, I'm actually in the process of ordering my car, silverstone vs yas marina, 6-spd vs DCT(that is a revaluation) , euro delivery or not. These are the questions. My only regret is that my rs4 is currently up for…
wow. Every time i saw my neighbor drive his, it looked like he was literally skating down the street. Yea, that was the thing, with blizzacks the rs4 would go anywhere the front bumper wouldn't turn into a snowplow. I live in Pittsburgh, we get a fare amount of snow, but what requires awd is the extraordinarily hilly…
And it felt really planted? you didn't feel imminent death was upon you when there was the tiniest of snow on the ground? And thats been the driving force behind the move to the M4. Track days. Something i enjoyed until a year ago when I parted with my 93 Rx7. The RS4 is beautiful,fast,and very capable,but it was…
Pedals* haha its been a long day.
oh,ok. Thank you! Im gonna do some thinking, and have something up relatively soon. Once again, thanks guys!
I love those! I would have got one instead of my rs4 but we have some rather wicked weather in the winters at times. That didn't stop my neighbor from crushing 2 e90s in a single winter... "Joe, its not about awd, its how you drive it in the snow..". Some famous last words around these parts. Ill be buying an older…
Thank you! So basically i go to oppo,Click on the thing that makes me write an article and im good? What do you guys want me to write about first? So much pressure! I have always wanted to contribute to either oppo or jalopnik and am grateful for this opportunity.
Thanks for the hook up! And I believe M4 is the way to go. I will cry nightly once the RS4 leaves me.
Yea its quite an honor. I wouldn't say affluenza. I appreciate these things after all.... And i shall except no respect. These are my fathers as dave pointed out.on a side note....
The testarossa peddles aren't so close. The diablo,however I cant drive with anything less then skinny hipster shoes. Sperry's are the hardest thing for me to drive a stick in, personally. And do to my constant laziness(slip on nature) I'm always angrily grabbing the back of a peddle with the shoe on the drive to work…
Kanye KILT IT Late registration-graduation. Hes a genius man. That being said,the last cd was poop.
I will consider the difference between the two on the drive to work tomorrow morning. Right after I figure out if its a RS4 or M4 type of day.
Well,dance then and stop crying about. Why would it be fair for me to put up all the capitol and so on, to not actually have the ability to make more/unlimited profits? Why is it wrong to become wealthy/successful?
Supply and demand. No ones forcing anyone to buy a Z28 or pay that. So fuggem. If the dealer catches a victim all the power to them. Make more money bud. And i take offense to the part where you get upset about people being able to buy the newest sports cars, also as a business man,who makes the vast majority of my…