Yeah, you're right. I'd shit my pants if I had to go over there, see I was just thinking I could maybe pilot a drone? They indeed have nuts like beach balls!
Yeah, you're right. I'd shit my pants if I had to go over there, see I was just thinking I could maybe pilot a drone? They indeed have nuts like beach balls!
That's a legitimate question. This was a long time ago before ruhipnol was very well known, and I had to do some investigating to figure out why on earth I would have just blacked out after two beers and I even went and talked to the dealer about it, and he reminded me of the conversation and said the rapist bought…
Simple assault. I spent one night in jail. I paid a $500 fine in installments over 6 months. Maybe the rapist felt bad for causing me to have a mental breakdown and decided not to pursue attempted murder charges. More likely the sociopath figured I would fight anything above a misdemeanor and he didn't want to end up…
Awwww kitties hugging! <3 Thanks!
I don't know how you operate, but for many people, seeing what happened to that pilot throws a big red flashing sign over the heads of ISIS that reads: MUST BE ERADICATED FROM HUMANITY. NOW.
I was roofied and raped by a close friend in college., he was my roommate and he drugged my beer one night and dry fucked me with a condom on, and in the morning told me I got drunk and asked him for sex and it wasn't very good sex. I don't black out after 2 beers, and I know for a fact our mutual dealer friend had…
That doesn't surprise me that it's a young person, like a college student, probably late teens early twenties. They have less empathy and not enough experience to realize or care about the damage they're doing to people. It's similar to the immature belief that sarcasm is an intelligent form of communication,…
I would love for them to deal with this by logging IP addresses and notifying the FBI of specific egregious offenders. When people start GOING TO JAIL for doing things that in any other medium would get their asses thrown in jail, maybe the abuse will stop or at least slow way the fuck down.
Let me be clear, I found ConLawHero's response to be eye-roll-inducing, self-congratulatory word-dookie and all the sentences beginning with the word "I" should be read in the voice of that Skeksi who had all his clothes removed and was kicked out by the other Skeksis but then came back with the last gelflings, but I…
re pizza prank, It is very intimidating to let the victim know that you know where they live and you sent someone to knock on their door. Note the message from someone named after a 4chan woman-murderer asking if the victim liked pizza. Followed by an actual ring at the doorbell with inedible pizza would be…
k bye
What is the alternative, kicking them out? I'd rather have my 30 yr old living with me with her kids.
Pick up the bills, hell, I'd raise my grandkids.
"Not gonna work either. I had good sex education, I had a European mother who bought me condoms..."
I don't think teenagers should be educated to make them stop having sex, that's why I specified "not abstinence only education." Education and access to condoms and birth control have been proven to increase the use of condoms and birth control among teenagers and decrease the rates of disease and pregnancy. IUDs…
IUDs can be very painful. What would be more effective than this is having actual sex education for children (not abstinence-only education) and providing them with access to free condoms and other forms of birth control. You're not going to end poverty by stopping teen pregnancies, although it is true that the impact…
"If you are attending public high school you must be on birth control or have a DRs excuse stating you are not able to take it. Long term forms only, Mirena, Norplant, Depo."