Turbo Doritos

This is what happens when you’ve never spent a moment studying economics.

I want to see the proof that he's refusing his salary. There's no way that cheap, broke ass cheat is passing up $400,000 a year. 

No but his pants are called dockers because he docks his fat ass in them.

Cue the endorsement deals! Is there a company called Fat Fuck Polo Shirts?

Yup, I cannot help but hear Nascar as “NNNAAAAzzzzzzCCCCUUUUURRR!!!!!” with heavy drunken slur

I would legit LOVE NASCAR if they went closer to their roots. No more of these cars that only vaguely look like what you can buy in a showroom. Why not get actual showroom models and soup them up for racing, just like old times?

The challenge is turnout. As a percentage of eligible voters, not many people voted in 2016. Turnout will favor Democrats this year, because Trump’s people were last time and we know what that got us. 

All said and done, Trump’s presence didn’t change one mind or net him one vote. I can say with some confidence that increase in ratings (which, thanks to karma and poor scheduling choices, NASCAR couldn’t capitalize on) was from people who were already fans of Trump.

90% of the race is pointless now. The sectors and yellow flag pit stops eliminate any point in racing until the last 10 laps or so. There is no point fighting for the lead or fighting to pull ahead when you are guaranteed to lose all progress in a few laps.

It’s quite simple: NASCAR fans are dolts. 

NASCAR has shown itself an ever more increasingly stupid exercise in excess and recklessness in the “hold my beer” culture. Time after time, they can’t seem to end a race without tremendous wrecks, suggesting (unfairly) that their drivers can’t drive worth a fuck. Guiding a poweful brick-shaped billboard around a bowl

Privately owned family business... They can do whatever they want re: politics... “The arrangement fundamentally means that the family can utilize the sport’s name in any political machination they see fit.” Solution? Don’t watch the pre-race...

The best way I can describe it is the same way I describe Mega Man VII: it’s a good game, but it’s not a good Final Fantasy.

Cosigned as well, November ‘84, and I learned Japanese to play Rudra no Hihou and other Square games that never made it here. This is just bad.

Boss Carbuncle in FFV roars at you for calling him cute.

It most certainly has not.

Here it is again in Final Fantasy XIII when all of the summons were transformers coming out of a compact disc:

Fire, lots of it

I thought it was common knowledge Carbuncle was a fox... no?