Turbo Doritos

Brett Kavanaugh was nominated in July 2018. This study covers 1999-2017.

Thank you for checking out the “science” in that article.


and those in power are never held accountable for their actions.  Numerous systems of justice in the US and it all depends on your connections.

72,000 alcohol-related deaths

What on earth could possibly be driving me to drink? Maybe it has something to do with the rich getting richer, and the majority being ruled by minority, maybe. Just a guess. I like beer.

We actually do know - in the same part in which Tissaia advocates forced sterilisation of all mages she also says why most of them are already unable to have children:

Yennefer’s transformation is just one of several media performances wherein a disabled person is magically cured to promote the idea that normality equals physically abled.

The books are actually a tad ambiguous about just what’s the reason behind sorcerous sterility. Tissaia de Vries, Yennefer’s mentor, is an activist for deliberately sterilising all mages at young age to ensure that they’d be loyal to magic alone, which wouldn’t be such an issue if they tended to be sterile to begin

Every magazine that has one in their long-term fleet writes the same update every month: “it’s a sexy-looking and fun car, but we didn’t drive it much because it spends most of its time in the shop.” I love Alfa and want them to succeed, but goddamn, they’ve really earned that reputation for poor reliability.

For the base or mid tier models yes, but the top tier ones like the Quadrofoglio seemed to have a never ending stream of issues. And that really hurts brand perception.

Yeah, the Vette did, and it was fixed. The Alfa had been in the market for years, and still R&T can't get a hot lap out of it. Teething issues are one thing. That car has been a mess and it's never been addressed.

Alfa rushed the product to market before getting the teething issues out of the way. This isn’t new. If I’m not mistaken the flagship (at the time) Corvette Z06 had overheating problems causing limp mode as well as metal shavings causing many of their engines to self immolate.

I bought a new car this spring and the sales manager at the dealership (not Alfa) was also the manager at their Alfa dealership here in LA. We chatted about the Stelvio while I was waiting for delivery and I mentioned how poor the reviews of the car’s dependability were and his response was ‘people don’t buy them

The Car&Driver long term review was absolutely brutal, but Alfa released a few commercials for the Giulia and that’s it, not a thing about their legacy or why you should care about the cars they build. Show a montage of old racing footage from the decades, a few flashes of older models like the Spider, and finish by

One person with one car with no issues is one data point; an anecdote. It’s not data.

That this experience is deemed noteworthy really kind of drives home the point. Two years shouldn’t be a case for reliability. If Alfas were actually reliable, there would be people making this statement, only replacing two years with ten years or more. But there aren’t, because, you know...

Citroën is a misunderstood brand, I think. Will perform very badly in any specification sheet comparison, but there’s nothing like them for relaxed driving dynamics and style.

their dealer network is all but nonexistent as well. most people aren’t going to stumble on them on accident on their way to lease their 4th mercedes.

Possibly with the support of PSA, Alfa Romeo could remain in the market long enough to become a near luxury alternative to the more established brands.