Turbo Doritos

I am being hyperbolic. However, the difference is that once your account gets debited, perhaps fraudulently, the money is gone, and it’s up to you to get it back. Which may be easy, or may be not easy. With a credit card, the bank will put a hold on the charge and you are not liable for it until they investigate.

...never use a debit card.  Good advice in all situations.

That was literally a direct porting over of the Laserdisc transfer. So it tends to get discussed as a reissue, rather than as a separate proper release.  And having watched it, it’s not any higher quality than watching it on Laserdisc (I’ve watched that too). Most of the cleaned up or despecialized editions you can

When you sell something, it’s not yours anymore. Imagine selling something but with the stipulation that the buyer use it in only the way you wanted? That’s not realistic at all.

Now playing

If the stories are correct Spiteful is the correct word to use. After his unfriendly divorce from his wife Marcia Lucas, George Lucas wiped any mention of her from Lucasfilm.

The worst part about that is that she is the one who often told George “no” and what things needed to be changed, cut, or left in. She’s a very talented editor, and frankly, she pretty much saved Star Wars. She won an Oscar for her work on A New Hope (just called Star Wars back then).

Okay, then, stubborn, ignorant, overly possessive, controlling, manipulative, toxic, prideful, unmutual, dickish, prickish, self-important, domineering, despotic, imperious, overbearing, high-handed, selfish, tyrannical - a creator who fails to acknowledge the desires of the audience that feeds him is all of these and

When one of, if not the primary motivation, for not releasing the original theatrical cut again is so there are no royalties to be paid to your ex-wife, that merits a “spiteful prick” characterization. This is why the laser disc edition was the last version of the theatrical cuts to be released. George’s first wife

I would strongly recommend Projects 4K77 and 4K83, as well (4K80 is in the works). They’re cleaned up 4K scans of original theatrical prints, and they look fantastic. 4K83 is actually a scan of a master print, so it didn’t have any of the wear and tear of the theatrical prints.

In some cases it’s justified, even understandable. Other times it’s just a pointless ego trip. However, making unnecessary and contentiousc changes decades later and forcing people to maintain those changes, is most definitely the definition of spiteful.

Yeah, that's obvious to anyone. He's such a spiteful prick.

Let’s be honest, there’s only one reason I can think of why they wouldn’t release the original editions. Lucas had it as part of their sale contract that they couldn’t. 


I’ve relied on the Despecialized Edition for years, which is a shame. A 4K release of the original editions would be easy money for the Mouse.

Pretty soon, the Star Wars area in Disneyland will have “re-education” booths that will purge the memories of those who saw the original films in theaters.

Maybe. But singular artistic voices often run contrary to corporate interests.

It’s not, Season 2 is much worse. Seems like Fuller was the glue that barely kept this together to begin with. 

Looking at other comments, and reviews in general, you seem to be in the extreme minority with that view.

I sometimes worry that the appearance of conservative parties gaining ground will lead towards producers of film and television productions to censor themselves in order to appeal to those they think might criticize them.

Jesus, read the book  Nancy is key to the whole story