Turbo Doritos

I also played it blind in one sitting following a pretty hard mushroom trip and plenty of weed. It was in those couple of hours coming down from shrooms when you’re enveloped with warmth and giddiness and empathy. That section where you’re sliding down into the glimmering sand and through the ruins struck me dumb. I

most probably. tbh i played it sober and still cried a ton (had the luck to stay with the same player the entire game. after we rose from our demise and started scaling that peak the dam just broke) but it plays *wonderfully* on thc.

same, playing it blind while high with a friend was a straight up religious experience. We got done and were like “dude. we’re buddhists now.”

I mean the creators of this game had to know, right?

As someone who doesn’t partake, I always thought Katamari would be the game I’d want to play while high. But maybe those games are too much, I dunno.

First time I played Journey, I played it all in one sitting while toking. This was back in my ‘youth’.

LEGO, stop it. I finally got the Treehouse during the last double VIP week, I’m already committing to the Dinosaur Fossils, and now you throw this dream set at me? Cut it out!

Well it’s not raw, but I have been known to eat them whole. Just coax them out with your butter knife and smash and spread with wild abandon! 

There’s the old joke that you can tell Rock is super effective against Flying type, because you can take out two birds with one stone.

I always assumed that flying type is weak to rock because they have hollow bones, and heavy rocks will make them come crashing down to the ground. Electric type because lighting is even more dangerous if you’re up high, or something. Honestly at first I thought that you were wrong but now I realize my justifications

Maybe something about selling food without a permit might screw him?

wouldn’t “First sale doctrine” apply somehow?  I know it’s usually applied to copyrighted works, but I’d think that once he paid the Krispy Kreme store for the food, he’s free to do whatever the hell he wants with it.  

West Michigan as a whole is extremely racist. I’ve lived here my entire life and used to live across the street from Founders. It’s very systematic and low key with occasional flare ups like this incident or the police drawing guns on little kids.

Maybe. But it still made me feel like a badass being able to walk up to a lock at low levels and blow through it lol. 

Kind of a shame the lockpick and hack mini games aren’t there. Especially lockpicking, in Skyrim I could pick locks way above my skill level because I was good at the mini game. 

Eh, I think this might just be a case of confirmation bias (or either you’ve missed a few articles). Here’s a bunch of Borderlands 3 articles on this site with positive tones:

Hot Topic is pretty small so he wouldn’t have been able to take the Joker very far

Financial ruin?