Turbo Doritos

I’m sorry you don’t understand how stories are told.

Don’t let this shit stop you from living your life.

Precisely. The Empire is cartoonishly evil throughout Star Wars. Their plan is to literally build a planet-destroying space station to crush dissent at whim.

Yeah, the film ends with a guy literally shooting the toxic part of himself and holding hands with a woman as a patriarchal world of money, greed, and power, literally falls down around them. 

You can always wait? See it on home video or stream it or whatever?

Ehhhh, Fight Club has its own missusage. Same with movies like Wolf of Wallstreet and shows like Rick and Morty - you’re not supposed to identify these people as ‘good’ or ‘stable’ or ‘sane’. But because there are glimmers of success, power, and prestige in the individuals depicted in those kinds of film/television,

Yea but fight club is about to turn 20 years old (Oct. 15th 1999).

Keep chipping away friend! Eventually that light at the end of the tunnel will be something bright and beautiful and not just another train running you down!

Well, crap: I was hyped to see this opening weekend but forgot all about this crap.

If incells met at night to kill each other and not innocents, that would be the fight club of our time.

They have no self-awareness. My life isn’t great right now, but I know who the architect of my woes is. The ugly bastard I see in the mirror. For them, it’s always someone else.

Fight Club pretty much did end on a “fuck all that shit” beat. It’s not the movie’s fault that some people didn’t understand/willfully misunderstood what it was saying and decided it was about “WHOA MANLY BROS BEING BROS SO COOL” instead of taking the movie as intended (ie. “Toxic Masculinity: The Movie”).

Your logic is flawless and useless. Incels ain’t about that logic.

Hey incels, it is YOUR fault that it is involuntary. Quite being assholes or creeps to potential partners and other human beings. Get some fucking self-respect and respect others.

Yeah, I was afraid this was going to happen.

I'm happy to see that incels are finally classified as extremists. About time!

I’ve been taking my mom to her lawyer to redo her will after my stepfather’s death. I think I would be prudent to make sure my stepsiblings don’t contest the will before doing anything with the money. I’m actually kind of uncomfortable with how lopsided in my favor she’s made it and if they get unpleasant I may just

Pay your inheritance tax as soon as possible. In my state in particular (PA) you’re taxed on the value of what you inherit, even if there’s no cash. This particularly applies to real estate, on which the state will place a lien for payment of the tax. That means a title company will make you pay the tax out of