Turbo Doritos

A star for the most intelligent post thus far, even if it's not what we wanted to hear

My guess is that they will leave it 2.4 NA, as least in the standard trim. Subaru spends a lot of effort pushing its brand in motorsports and to have a 2.4 Turbo as standard would disqualify the car from competing in production class stage rally. As of the 2019 ARA rule book, the limits are 2.5L NA and 1.6L turbo for

Right, because she got the 1.5L.

215-hp is gonna feel great in that thing. Should be almost as quick as that new Accord Becky in accounting just bought.

I’m in the same boat (had a GB but not an SNES) but I think a remake of Link to the Past would be a much harder sell than this one. SNES games (for the most part, not so sure about stuff like Super Mario Kart and Star Fox) hold up a lot better today than Gameboy games do, and the original Link to the Past is now

Not for me. You never know how people spend their money. I buy coffee out every day. I buy my lunch out every day. In fact, I rarely go grocery shopping at all. Buuut, I don’t spend a lot of money on clothes. I don’t spend money on big vacations. I don’t buy jewelry or expensive accessories. It all balances out.

They almost did! Well a 3D version at least for 3DS since they were doing those 3D NES games. But they decided on making a full sequel instead, so the closest we’ll get to that is Link Between Worlds.

Its one of the many things that hollow knight did extremely well. Hitting that mantis boss felt so damn good.


And that kid who runs away when you get too close!

This came up in the thread about Apple Arcade, but I’d like to point out that our reluctance to pay $50-60 for premium games is what’s leading the industry towards more pay-to-play and subscription models.

“a video game is only as good as its verbs—its actions—and they’ve always endeavored to make those actions induce as much joy as possible.”

This. This is a basic tenant of game design and development that so many don’t *seem* to grasp. 

It’s a short game, yeah. It’s hard to fathom that it costs the same as Breath of the Wild. But, honestly, it’s impossible for me to say whether it’s “worth” $60 because $60 means different things to different people - that’s the main reason we avoid talking about prices in our reviews here. One person’s $60 can be

30$ or max 40$. but not worth 60$


Years - YEARS! - of arguments with my wife over whether her habit of shouting “excuse me!” and waving down the bartender is rude, she happens upon this article, turns to me, and says, “I guess you’re right. You really don’t have to do anything else.”

My worst peeve from my days behind the bar was always whistling. I’d always yell “I’m not a fucking dog!” and then ignore them. I generally was quite forgiving of rudeness too, but whistling really did piss me off.

Yup, my go to is once I get eye contact with the bartender a head nod is usually all it takes, if the bar is really hopping I might lean forward slightly at the bar to catch their eye. Having had quite a few friends that have been bartenders I get to hear all kinds of weird stuff people do to try to get their

This is the correct technique. I’ll stand there with my money hand resting on the bar, make eye contact and a nod. Works well. Be polite and tip well.

Here’s what I do when I find myself standing at the bar for too long: leave and find a different place to spend my money.