Turbo Doritos

Spent most of my life in the area and I couldn’t figure out how anyone could get a car near that spot without realizing they shouldn’t be driving there.

I’m pretty sure the marina they drove into was the one off the large park North of the ECHO center. Watching them pull the car out all I could think was “they drove all the way through that park and then another 100' onto the lake?”

I keep a spray bottle of mixed optimum no rinse in the car for spot detailing and it works great. It’s tough to convince most people that waxing/sealing the paint makes a huge difference in how easy it is to wash, they’re all used to the spray stuff from carwashes that doesn’t do anything.

I’m 34, my daily for 12 years is a manual as is my RX7. In those 12 years I’ve driven an automatic less than 2 dozen times, to the point I actually feel out of control without a clutch. My younger sister and her husband have a couple manual cars too. Youngish people still drive them.

A temperamental primary car is a good way to scare someone away from interesting cars altogether, especially if they don’t expect it. I find the moodiness of my RX7 endearing, never knowing for sure that it’s going to start until it’s idling smooth, but I couldn’t handle it without having a dead reliable Civic around

I had a guy step out in front of me on a crosswalk crossing against the lights. I had just enough time to slam on the brakes and stop while he kept walking in front of me. I gave him a wtf look and pointed at the lights, he flipped me off.


He’s too obsessed with sledgehammers to drive anything else.

Neither is probably boring to Jalops but most people wouldn’t think much.

The former Mrs. Lucas was a rising editor cut down by her divorce with George. His ideas for the movie were run through her before being approved and she ran the editing on Episode 4, making it the movie it was and not the movie that the special edition was. She was uncredited on Empire and credited on Jedi, and again

I space out during most fight scenes. They’re technically interesting but I just don’t care in the middle of a movie. Best parts of the massive Civil War fight scene? The one liners that brought context to the whole thing.

There was an emotional component too, a lot of the changes made in the special editions were undoing his ex-wife’s edits and adding back in things she had convinced him not to do. Given how much time and money he spent to try erasing her influence, there’s no way he emotionally could have handled doing episodes 7-9

I still think they should hardtop the miata and put a rotary in it for the next RX rather than design an entirely new platform for it. But even then it’s going to be expensive for them to get the emissions low enough to sell.

I went from “knowing” how to drive stick to dailying stick on my Civic. It was very forgiving and easily progressed from stalling a few times a day to a couple times a year when I did something stupid. When I taught someone the basics within half an hour she was driving around the parking lot and not having major

Just a guess here, but it may have to do with the fuel system degrading over time and how overly rich RX-7's run compared to piston engines. In an older RX-7 there are 3 parts where age would reduce fuel flow causing the car to run leaner: fuel pump power and ground lines, fuel filter, and fuel injectors.

Some rotary guys will occasionally run a vacuum line from the intake manifold into a gallon of distilled water and let the engine drink it. I’ve done it and definitely burned quite a bit of something off, but it’s a lot harder to hydrolock a rotary than an ICE.

Really? I thought with a BMW it was always $1000.

I was about 18 and had been hanging out with an ex (sort of, long story) who lived in the middle of nowhere. I had just had a cyst removed a few days earlier and we had gone to a theme park that day, so I had advil in a baggy because carrying a pill bottle wasn’t convenient.

Both engines were available from the start with the 6 discontinued halfway through the run. The 6 ended up being more expensive than planned so it didn’t sell very well.