Wait, are you scared of the notch road?
Wait, are you scared of the notch road?
Or if for some reason you aren’t into that, I’ll still let you drive a 225hp rx7 over VT roads.
I’m in on the Stowe show if you are, just let me know. http://vtauto.org/vermont-car-shows/stowe-auto-show/
You bought this car right?
It’s the one car I’d give up my 10AE RX7 for.
Pulling into a tight space, headlights up.
I thought that looked like a SakeBomb kit. :)
Haven’t had an issue with FC popups in the 4 years I’ve had mine. I opened everything up a couple years ago and everything except the sealed beams were original, so in the other 26 years nobody had a problem either.
Or you could say the Countach’s top speed was 7mph higher with the headlights down.
I daily mine in the summer (when it’s running) and I definitely worry about getting taken out by someone who shouldn’t be on the road like this. Hope Joshua doesn’t leave the scene and is able to get the car out of the wreckers. How is the drunk guy not on the hook for this?
Those twist in pistons suck, even with the right tools they take forever compared to the push in type. I can do both my front 4pot push in type in the time it takes to do one 1pot twist rears.
Not all that heartbreaking, but the thermostat change that took almost a year.
My FC is the same way. It’s about the same size as a Miata (10" longer and about 2" less wide compared to an NC) but it feels big and roomy once you’re inside while I barely fit in a Miata and it’s definitely not comfortable. I could probably fit all of my clothes in it where a Miata can only carry enough for a few…
Some people just like the way the 80s versions of sports cars look. I won’t argue that the FD rx7 isn’t beautiful and it has definitely aged better than pretty much any other car, but I still prefer the FC. I like the AW-11 more than the SW-20, even though the latter is pretty.
AKA “fuck you money”, when someone is wealthy enough that normal rules don’t apply anymore.
This show is beautiful, at least to me. I love my RX-7, and when I’ve taken it to classic shows my neighbors have had nice things to say, a Springfield Roller even asked how fast it was with a wink. But everyone else has mostly fucking sucked. I’ve sat behind my car eating a sandwich and seen people laughing at my car…
The big thing for me was getting measured and fitted for dress clothes rather than buying off the rack at Macy’s or Sears, nothing crazy like a tailor just plain old Men’s Warehouse. Before, wearing dress clothes was horribly uncomfortable and only for when it was absolutely necessary. Now my dress pants are more…