Turbo Doritos

@Ash78, special Caucasian: If you think that thing's expensive you should see the receipts for the parts for my 6 tap kegerator.

It looks great, but I'm still hesitating. This from someone who bought a PS2 for GT4 and pre-ordered Forza3.

@(Zombie) Goldwings -again- Just in time for Halloween: Definitely. I think my 360 might have updated itself once or twice in the last year, and know it's patched a few games.. My PS3 has been good lately, but I swear over the last year it's averaged over an update a month (with no noticeable change), last month

Now playing

@RedCarmine: It certainly takes skill to do right, but Vinyl Fantasy 7 and Ocarina of Rhyme are 2 examples where talented people took a set soundtrack and made some great mashups with them.

@Destructability: "it will be a simple case of a wake up call to parents to think occasionally."

@Adam: The Veyron driver came up on a truck and went to overtake it and either noticed a slow car overtaking the truck or had a slow car pull out to overtake the truck too late for the Veyron to slow down, so he tried to squeeze between the two.

The way he said it sounds like trolling, but for a lot of drivers I agree. When I'm driving I'm driving, and my attention is focused on my car, the road and other cars around me. With so many people making phone calls, texting, reading the paper, and other stupid things that have nothing to do with driving, I'd much

@Novaload: Almost exactly how I feel, except for the windows. Bought a fully base model Civic coupe a few years back literally base, no radio, no AC. $500 for a head unit? Fuck that, I already have a $200 unit I can toss in that's better anyway. I love the power windows on the base, but maybe that's because on a

@TeamBlacula: Then they came for the RPGs, and I said nothing, for I wasn't an RPG gamer...

@Turboner: I'd like to order a pair of those. One for the front for the SUVs with all-seasons crawling along because they lost traction for a second and are now scared to death of the snow. One for the back for the SUVs tailgating me when the roads really do suck. From experience, it sucks getting rear-ended

@sharkd: "But the best advice, if you're really a new driver, is to look-up a Street Survival type course ( [] )"

Maybe it's too soon, but should the helicopter have been autonomous too?

Somehow reminds me of the Nordic ski racing I did in the same woods. Bretton Woods is beautiful but the Mt. Washington hotel is straight out of The Shining.

@renfantasy: it's just Checkers in China, but he did forget it.

I should probably be finishing up inFamous, but more likely Forza3 and picking up something I've finished but haven't hit 100%, maybe Demon's Souls maybe RDR.

@Chewblaha: I never imagined it was all growing from his upper lip, but it all makes sense now.

@cheesetruncheon: "it has come to my attention that alot of people are saying 'stores already do that!' in which case you are obviously mistaken because there wouldn't be a need for this law"

I'm really hoping this isn't a really early April fools joke. Hopefully it's just coincidence that Walmart's expected date is 04/01/2011.