
I'd give supergirl every situational advantage that she wants....... I mean ahem. What?

that does sound more like the character than what I wrote.. haha

IIRC mallrats said: "a kick from that baby would be like a shotgun shell through her stomach"

The XBL version was pretty freakin awesome!

"Cause that's a problem the world needed solving" -Wendy Watson, The Middleman Woman?

yes! I saw that pic from the creator's blog when io9 did their piece about the star trek/middleman cross over. =)

is it me? or is that the robot from the middleman. He is quite the charmer.. if I was a "girl from a country song video", I'd fall for him too! *Swoooon

I forgot about the Narnia-thing. ..... thanks for that (eye-roll)

They should add a "Never Before" to confuse people and create buzz!

Thanks for reminding me that HP exists, now that I am equipped with this knowledge I feel.. nothing different as to when I had forgotten HP's existence.

I think a lot of us went into robopocalypes with the idea of World War Z and got much much much less than that.

"animal, then mineral. Oh those are not vegetables?"

I disagree with your use of associating lifting weights with low intelligence. But I do agree that this one guy in particular may look like a tool. I mean.. who even likes god of war anyways? ... =P

He's saying he didn't like dark knight strikes again. Which wasn't so bad for me.. cause I read it right after DKR.

I'm still holding out hope for the shocker.... no not that shocker the other shocker.....

Sadly that doesn't make them money. It might be a nice reputation booster, but companies make games to make money. It makes the world go round.

You mean Resident Evil: Revelaitons. ;-)

MY competitive theory for why people have stopped gaining weight is that they died. From being fat.

The argos didn't make the playoffs in 2011, 2009 and 2008. In a league that everyone makes the playoffs except for 2 teams.