
Ew. Go away Mario.

+1 hahaha

it ate surgery. Its symbolism for .. surgery.

Thor is interesting?

Would you say it's robin the moment?

Technically just because its the opposite of what I said, does not make it true! But.. all in all, well put.

You sir, win the battle of Alberta.

That's cause its not a chick. Or.. err.. I guess does she want to be referred to as a chick from now on? IDK. I don't know who to proceed.

nice! =)

maybe that is why Dick told Tim not to die.

Yeah... I completely agree with you. The pacing is totally off, but I'm sure it'll pick up cause Nickelodeon saw what the creators did with this season and ordered a second before anything aired. So, that's got to count for something right?

This episode certainly teased us with what we want from the show.. like the whole Dinner scene: OMG JUST STOP LYING, and just work together! (My TV needs to watch a scooby gang!)

Sadly, the show bones has got to have topped the cake for retarded tv plots. Seriously... wtf are Malware Fractals???. Oh I guess that explains it.... now my head hurts fantastic.

Little did he know, it was actually just a break in the smog; Poor bastard's never seen a real cloud or proper sunlife in his life...

I was hoping that clip would be in there.. =)

What happened to Zuko's Mom in Avatar the last air bender? Or does that not count toward television?

I am so happy that catwoman beat Avatar: TLA cause the sooner we all forget about it the better I sleep at night. I'd rather have the planet just sweep that portion of space/time underneath the sourcewall's rug. Yeah? Cool.

That is a High Capacity Color Bar Code gone bad!!

Every Epic Games article needs more Shadow Complex.
