
I'm going to go ahead and feed this East vs west stereotype that western canada doesn't know anything about eastern canada... cause I don't. lol. How do you get by in Quebec without speaking french? I say this because I constantly hear that within the province of quebec a lot of signs and such are all written in

I only added timeline because I wanted my profile to have a huge banner in the background. But I don't actually want people to scour through my past.. I'm sure there is a setting for that. Or i'm going to be deleting a lot of junk for a while. =P

I'm not sure you know, but on an android you are allowed to put whatever background you want, including a mac background. Scary I know.

"I don't like it cause it's new and scary"... yeah well I'm sure your bones also ache when it rains or some such.

With all of the Akira talk as of late, I decided to sit down and watch the film last weekend. I am sorry to say, that I am not a fan. =(

I.. have never seen Akira. I wish I missed The Last Airbender. That being said, I am such a big fan of Avatar: the last airbender that there was no chance I would ever miss it. The horrors I've seen..

Have you considered being the Sultan of Swing?

RUBY ROD! That cosplay is super green.

That prop is great fun! Until the sliding spring mechanism jams and you actually jab someone with a plastic pokey thing.

He looks like a wax sculpture!

Hmm I'm usually really good at visual puzzles, but this one's a toughy!

Selling vintage Inspector Spacetime Time Hoodies! Totally legit. I swear.

Middleman will always be that show that got away! =(

If the doctor kept killing my best friends then I wouldn't like him either.I mean toys!! .... what? =)

Anyone else look at this and think.. "Hunger Games?" Girl on fire, anyone? Anyone??

It's quitting time somewhere in the world. /drink

I'm surprised no one thinks that the people of Lonely Island did this song for them. It sounds like Akiva for most of the song and it sounds like Andy Samberg saying he'd use a portal to... change pants.

technically CvS1 and CvS2 are the same engine/mechanics. Just a different set-up.

I'm surprised Peter Pettigrew isn't included.

I thought those were pajamas.