
Or why not put the solar panels above the roads and double their use with the telephone poles...

Nothing worse than having political hot takes shoved down your throat with the sport scores. I won’t miss the lying shrill.

Phew, the gawker is finally outta my deadspin! Glad she is gone. Hope she has fun writing for antifa quidditch meetups.

He wasn’t given any tickets. But what he was doing wrong was using the shoulder without an emergency. 

I’m sure the billion dollar casino and sport betting business has nothing to do with these blown calls...

I did my local search. Jersey City NJ. A lot of Spanish, Chinese, and Muslim supporters. Ironic? No. Trump is a good president.

Most of these donors will be business owners. It’s only logical the most intelligent and successful people will vote for the Republicans. The Democrats are delusional.

Is simply donating the maximum to your candidate not enough? You have to fight politics by shutting down opposition. The left is shit.

lol I love when the left cries over bullshit. 

Tweeting a response and a video is what you call desperate? What’s desperate is the guy who went back and edited a stupid movie down. And then making a shit post on titter about it. Or more desperate is writing an entire article on this for the “clicks”.

One thing I do know is it's not an ambulance. Stupid ass people. 

Im pretty sure it's more irresponsible to call an Uber and not an ambulance. 

This wholething could have started but spies from Russia...

Cars today are still built “for the people”. It’s just “the people” want safety and luxury features now. 

And by “they’re liquid” you mean “their insurance is liquid”. 

Sure! Lets call in a surgeon and hell, why not sterilize the area too; the patient is only about to bleed out to death, but at least his amputation will be clean!

Their reaction was

Yeah! Just look at Conner McGregor! 

Paper...? Lets be real. I’m a property manager and 9 times out of 10 its tampons.

She should not have said anything. Who the hell is that guy she just lost her job over? She needs to be more responsible and realize her spotlight.