
I think saying nothing is better. You do not need to react to people shouting at you. 

It’s Brazil. What do you expect from 2nd world Latin men? 

You do realize this is Brazil. Brazil is not America. You get fucked. 

Does everyone get them? I bet even all the Kotaku writers get them.

Women are sex object. That’s why I can buy them for sex. Even pregnant ones. 

No. Those are clearly unintentional acts. If the woman starts intentionally committing another crime; like assault, and she hurts herself or someone else, she is responsible. 

I don’t think kids these days were alive for Neo. 

I think he is referencing fiasco’s like this. It’s opposite being a rated M game with toys for children opposed to the rated R film character in a E or T rated game. (If Fortnite is T it should be fine since R is 17+)

I’m sure EA considers it genius and is upset they did not think about it. 

Yes, and then ban him from all streaming and social media platforms. 

Because Executives are just Corporate scapegoats. The executive’s job is to maximize profits. It is automatically in their best interest to act unethically since doing so is the best way to reach the highest return on investment. If the company gets busted, the executive resigns and potentially gets arrested, and the

Athletes are part of the Union. If none of them responded for comment it’s pretty obvious their Union Leaders advised them not to. 

This is awkward... Wrong person. 

True. I’m sure their Union reached out to them and told them not to respond to reporters. 

Is it gender discrimination if more people show up to men’s games than woman’s games? because that is how the athlete’s pay is determined.

Is it gender discrimination if more people show up to men’s games than woman’s games? because that is how the athlete’s pay is determined. 

Are her nipples censored? 

What do we do in 10 years when Iraq is test firing their Intercontinental Nuclear Warheads? 

FWIW Trump has brought them home... About 7,000 from Afghanistan and 1600 from Syria. But you probably don’t even care to know and will continue talking untrue bullshit. 

Obama giving Iraq nukes makes Trump and all republicans itch. Should make all Americans uncomfortable when they chant DEATH TO AMERICA. But, who likes america anymore anyway.