
They always double down on mistakes. Just look at this Russia Collusion bullshit CNN and MSNBC are doubling down on.

OMG this picture. I can see him pulling the front brake while doing a wheelie with his legs dragging on the pavement while wondering why this thing wont stop.

I know this cop. He pulled a baby from a fire last month. And the month before he gave mouth to mouth to a cat drowning in a sewer drain. 

Looks like he was charged for life as an internet meme. 


This whole article and the people reading it are celebrating the injury of a cop. It’s because they’re Obama loving shit eaters from the anti police Obama days. Because for some reason all cops are criminals and the criminal gangsters are our heroes.

It’s literally because they said so. Just like “Hover” boards. 

Please. As a NYC resident the entire city is constantly putting me in danger. Not just this pig. 

Wait... I can be black. Can I get money Corey? Can I stop working and have the government buy me a benz. Because I’m black starting today. 

So black people today, who have spent their entire lives as free civilians, need reparations for slavery they’ve never endured... HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

This guy is an absolute moron. He openly admitted to sexual assault

I think her views are amazing. She’s kind of like AOC only not retarded and has an idea about how economies work. Also, she’s not a scrawny white hypocrite.

Watch closer. Her bone tears through the skin of her heel.

Watch closer. You’ll see the bone tear through her heel. 

She broke her hand

Maybe from this.

Actually they’d be white supremacists because everything is racist today. 

Let me guess, you think the police over reacted to people destroying the city... Stupid libs. 

Black teens in my area routinely graffiti homes to absolutely ZERO punishment. In fact the city fines the HOME OWNERS for having graffiti on their property. So... yeah, tell me again about black people.

Meanwhile in America 14% of the population results in 80% of the violent crimes... Go figure.