Black teens in my area routinely graffiti homes to absolutely ZERO punishment. In fact the city fines the HOME OWNERS for having graffiti on their property. So... yeah, tell me again about black people.
Black teens in my area routinely graffiti homes to absolutely ZERO punishment. In fact the city fines the HOME OWNERS for having graffiti on their property. So... yeah, tell me again about black people.
Black teens in my area routinely graffiti homes to absolutely ZERO punishment. In fact the city fines the HOME OWNERS for having graffiti on their property. So... yeah, tell me again about black people.
This comment has more lore in it than Fallout 76.
So you are justifying Ref’s controlling a game? I imagine you could justify an authoritarian government as well.
Ever since the Camry got 300 horsepower it’s meant nothing.
What does the Democrats feelings towards Candace Owens have anything to do with this?
The children in cages happened under Obama 10X more and 10X worse and no one cared. In fact many of the housing centers for immigrants that Trump in under fire for was built under the Obama Administration’s orders. Isn’t that hilarious.
Impeach? For what? LOL, still hung up on that I word... No evidence of any wrong doing. Obstruction of justice? For what crime? The crime that has... NO evidence of after 2 years of investigation. Amazing. Liberals are brain dead. DED dead.
And when it gets released there will be more but, but, but, Trump is bad tears from the left. HAHAHAHAHA
Right... Who needs evidence when we have feelings.
Can’t wait for the report to be released and the real Splinter propaganda shit storm to start.
They reported on Trump and Russian collusion and look where that ended up LOLOLOLOL
They’re used for shorter distances over longer periods of time.
Press H to hide chat.
Gee, sounds like you should take some of your savings and buy some shares... Or you can keep crying about shareholder equity like a moron.
Hire everyone! Who cares about balance sheets! Who cares about having roles to fill! Shareholder equity? Blasphemy!
I mean what wasn’t BFV’s marketing campaign promoting the disdain of the fan base by mocking their complaints and telling everyone “don’t buy it”. I would’ve fired them last year.
Clearly you have not been to Canada. Even with Trump, America is on top.
What did guns have anything to do with this chicks suicide and how is it the responsibility of the GOP?
The subway is maintained by a union with no money.