
Why, is she black? 

I imagine cops should be thankful when drivers pull off in a parking lot rather than the shoulder since only the cop is in danger. 

Probably doesn’t own either of those things herself. 

How do you win a match in a fake fight? 

It’s expensive because of hospitals over charging to collect high turnovers on insurance money. Then they subject people without insurance to the same charges. Socialized healthcare will only make things moire expensive.

People have been calling on a market crash for the past 5 years. If you say it enough it’s sure to become true, right? I’ll be sure to hold some cash to buy low value stock when the crash comes. 

I still don’t see low income as an excuse to not save any money at all what so ever. $35,000 is over $600 per week (before taxes). They can save $600 in a year. I’m also an advocate against student loans. People need to know they can’t go to expensive schools if they can’t afford it. I have friends who spent their

As long as the straw is reusable.

What are you 100 years old? 

They also gave them tax cuts and a strong economy supporting their consumers. But yea, lets all be poor and hateful

The millions came from republican tax cuts. 

I wasn’t rich during Bush or Obama. But I am pretty damn well off under Trump.

C’mon. You don’t really believe that!

Status? All those cars you mentioned have gone up in value. It’s called investment. 

The president isn’t allowed to choose. He has to follow the direction of the Secret Service to keep him safe. I remember Obama said he can’t have a black berry or something when he was first elected. Boy how times have changed. 

Why 3rd?

Isn’t his jet black...?